Use the information below to contact the transit providers in your area.
Transit Provider | Website | Service Areas | Contact |
Red River Public Transportation Services | Beckham, Caddo, Comanche, Cotton, Custer, Jefferson, Kiowa, Roger Mills, Stephens, Tillman, and Washita counties | Main number: 580-335-5588 580-335-7344 Frederick office: 580-335-2691 Hobart office: 580-303-0676 Sayre office: 580-928-2114 Ryan office: 580-757-2235 Clinton Red River (In Town Transportation) 580-243-9535 or Sayre number Elk City Red River (In Town Transportation) 580-928-2199 or Sayre number Weatherford Red River (In Town Transportation) 580-853-2728 or Sayre number | |
Southwest Transit | Greer, Harmon, Jackson counties | 580-482-5043 | |
The Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribal Transit (CATT) | Canadian, Blaine, Custer, Dewey, Roger Mills, Beckham, and Washita counties | 1-833-547-2364 | |
Comanche Nation Transit | Sections of Caddo, Comanche, and Grady counties | 580-492-3389 | |
Kiowa FasTrans | Sections of Kiowa, Caddo, and Comanche counties | 580-654-2053 | |
Delta Public Transit | McClain county | 1-866-842-8287 1-866-(ThatBus) | |
Washita Valley Transit | Grady county | 405-222-3438 | |
LATS (Lawton Area Transit System) | City of Lawton/Fort Sill area only | 580-248-5252 |