
Funding Resources & Information

SORTPO Region Funding Opportunities

Agriculture, nutrition, food politics, educationOpal ApplesGrants to USA nonprofit organizations and school entities for youth-led initiatives that serve individuals and communities in need. Programs must be in one of the following focus areas: agriculture, nutrition, food politics and education, and food security. Eligible organizations are those that include youth aged 6-25 taking leadership roles.Nonprofit, SchoolsOpal AppliesOpal Applies
Alternative Fuel Charging and Fueling Infrastructure Grants (Community Program)Program funds will be made available each fiscal year for Community Grants, to install EV charging and alternative fuel in locations on public roads, schools, parks, and in publicly accessible parking facilities. These grants will be prioritized for rural areas, low-and moderate-income neighborhoods, and communities with low ratios of private parking, or high ratios of multiunit dwellingsFHWA FHWA 8/28/2024
Alternative Fuel CorridorCharging & Fueling Infrastructure Grants (Corridor Program)Deploy electric vehicle (EV) charging and hydrogen/propane/natural gas fueling infrastructure along designated alternative fuel corridors. FHWAFHWA 8/28/24
AnimalsPETCO LoveAnimal welfare organizations sheltering and adoption.Animal control, non profit, human society'sPETCOPETCO7/31/2024
Arts, culture, history, libraries, literacy, health and safety, economic developmentCarolyn Watson Rural OklahomaGrants of up to $40,000 to Oklahoma nonprofit organizations, government entities, museums, libraries, and schools for projects that benefit rural communities in eligible counties. Applicants must contact program staff prior to applying. Projects must impact the quality of life of the community through the areas of arts, culture, history, libraries and literacy, health and safety, and economic development. Ongoing projects and programs are eligible for renewed funding. Projects must serve communities with a population of less than 6,000 in the rural counties of Adair, Atoka, Bryan, Caddo, Cherokee, Choctaw, Coal, Haskell, Johnston, Kiowa, Latimer, McCurtain, Mcintosh, Okfuskee, Or Pushmataha.Nonprofit, government, museums, libraries, schoolsCarolyn Watson Rural OklahomaCarolyn Watson Rural Oklahoma12/13/2023 Zoom meeting 1/9/24 LOI 2/9/242/16/2024
Bike, PedCommunity Change GrantsThis program will award 6 grants to communities for projects related to creating healthy, active, and engaged places to live, work and play. We have also expanded the program to include 15 grants for similar projects that are funded by General Motors.America WalksAmerica Walks
BridgeBridge Formula Program: Small Cities / Oklahoma Department of TransportationAssist cities repair of replace structurally deficient bridges in their incorporated city limitsMunicipalitiesODOTODOT 405-206-6440
Bridge Investment Program - Large Bridge ProjectDOT/FHWABridge rehab, replacement, preservation and protection with total eligible costs greater than $100 million.Local govt, states, mpo, cogsFHWAFHWA 8/1/2024
Building Codes The Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities program makes federal funds available to states, US territories, federally recognized Tribal governments, and local communities for hazard mitigation activitiesStates, territories, counties, cities, tribesFHWAFHWA
Business/Economic/Community, educationFRS Community Project GrantMust be submitted through a NCTA member partner ( for Rural ServiceFoundation for Rural ServiceSept 9 2024
Capital, medical equipmentJE and LE Mabee FoundationCapital projects and medical equipment purchases. Funding is intended to support projects and organizations in the areas of culture and religion, education, health and medicine, and social and humanitarian services. The Mabee Foundation only makes grants for construction projects, renovation projects, and for the purchase of major medical equipment. The Mabee Foundation requires that 40% of the total project be raised by other public donors before it will consider a grant request. Names of donors must be included in the grant application. The 40% fundraising requirement must be met by the time an application is submitted. NonprofitJE and LE Mabee FoundationJE and LE Mabee Foundation1st business day of December, March, June and September
Children & YouthAmerican Legion Child Welfare FoundationInitiatives to directly benefit children and youth's mental, physical, emotional and spiritualty welfare. Must have potential to help children in large geographic area.Non profits, local govtAmerican LegionAmerican Legion
CommunityAARP Community ChallengeFund quick action projects that help communities become more livable.Nonprofit, government entitiesAARPAARPCommunityChallenge@AARP.org16-Jan3/15/2024
CommunityApplebee'sFlapjack breakfast and Dining for Dollars.Applebee'sApplebee's
CommunityCotton Electric FoundationProvide financial assistant to worthwhile individuals and organizations. Meets quarterly to review applications.Individuals, nonprofit, schoolCotton Electric FoundationCotton Electric FoundationTory
CommunityHilliary Dontation/SponsorshipHilliaryHilliary
CommunityHome DepotTax exempt using the power of volunteers to improve community. Focus: veterans, and/or diverse or underserved communities. Home DepotHome Depotup to $5000
CommunityOklahoma City Community FoundationOk City Community FoundationOk City Community Foundation
CommunityPriddySupport of programs in human services, education, arts and health which offer significant potential for individual development and community improvement. Capital grants, limited operating grants, organization development support grant, program grant. Program grant: expand or create program services. Operating grant. Capital grant: will not exceed 20% of total project budget.Non profit, education, artsPriddyPriddyMar 1 & Sept 1 (LOI Feb 1 & Aug 1)
CommunitySarkeysGrants to Oklahoma nonprofit organizations and educational institutions for activities in the areas of arts and culture, education, humanitarian and social services, animal welfare, and scientific research. LOIs are due December 1. Applicants are advised to consult with program staff prior to beginning the application process. Major areas of support include:
1. Education;
2. Social service and human service needs;
3. Cultural and humanitarian programs of regional significance.

Challenge Grants: The Board may, at its discretion, determine to award a grant contingent upon the fulfillment of an institution’s additional fundraising obligation for the project in question within a specified time period. One application per 12 months.
Non profit/educationSarkeysSarkeys405-364-3703 sarkeys@sarkeys.orgFeb 1 and Aug 1.
CommunityTaco BuenoDinners for dollarsTaco BuenoTaco Bueno
CommunityUP FoundationCommunityUP FoundationUP Foundation Opens in 4/18
CommunityWalmart Spark Good Local GrantThe Spark Good Local Grants are open to eligible organizations operating locally and including public charities, recognized government entities, schools, and churches or faith-based organizations with a proposed project that benefits the community at large. Local cash grant awards range from $250 to $5,000.Non profit, government, schools, churchesWalmart LocalWalmart Local15-Oct
Community BenefitAmerican Rental AssociationGrants of up to $20,000 and in-kind support to USA and territories nonprofit organizations for outdoor events and activities that benefit vulnerable residents. Funding is intended to enhance the communities where funding source members work and live, with an emphasis on assisting underserved populations. ARA will partner with local nonprofit organizations and rental industry businesses to make a difference in their communities. The project must require the use of rental equipment.Non profitAmerican Rental AssociationAmerican Rental Association
Community BenefitBOKF Foundationenhance the economic wellbeing and quality of life of communities within the funding source’s service area. Funding is intended for initiatives in the following areas: basic needs, education, and economic development.NonprofitBOKF FoundationBOKF Foundation
Community BenefitCOSTCOGrants and in-kind donations to USA nonprofit organizations for charitable programs to benefit local communities. Funding is intended to support programs in the areas of human services, health, education, and children. The primary focus of funding is to benefit communities where the funding source has a business presence. Two types of giving options are available: • Warehouse Donations: For local organizations/local causes - Costco Shop Cards may be issued in lieu of monetary or in-kind requests. Grant Applications: For larger, broad-based organizations/causesNonprofitCOSTCOCOSTCOCommunityRelations@costco.comOngoing (one application per cycle)
Community BenefitFarmers Bank & TrustGrants and in-kind support to Arkansas, Oklahoma, and Texas nonprofit organizations for projects and programs to benefit local residents. Eligible projects may fall into one of the following focus areas: education, wellness, veterans, and law enforcement and civic workers. Applicants may apply for contribution funding or giveaway itemsNonprofitFarmers Bank & TrustFarmers Bank & Trust
Community BenefitFruit Tree FoundationIn-kind donations of fruit trees, equipment, volunteer workers, and training to USA nonprofit organizations, public schools, and government entities to create orchards in communal and public places. Funding is intended to improve the surrounding environment and provide a source of healthy nutrition for the community. FTPF programs strategically donate orchards where the harvest will best serve communities for generations, at places such as community gardens, public schools, city/state parks, low-income neighborhoods, Native American reservations, international hunger relief sites, and animal sanctuaries.Nonprofit, Schools, governmentFruit Tree FoundationFruit Tree Foundationinfo@ftpf.orgOngoing
Community BenefitMax and Victoria Dreyfus FoundationGrants of up to $20,000 to USA nonprofit organizations for community benefit programs and projects. Funding is intended to support hospitals and schools; museums, performing arts and cultural programs; skills training, educational, and other programming for seniors, youth, and people with disabilities; environmental and wildlife protection activities; and other programs that address community needs.    The Foundation provides support for specific projects or activities of an organization, as well as for operating support.        The Foundation supports organizations that can make their best case for support, and for which a small amount of money can have a large impact.NonprofitMax & Victoria DreyfusMax & Victoria Dreyfus202-237-3300 - info@mvdreyfusfoundation.org5/11 - 11/10 11/11 - 5/10Spring Award Fall Award
Community BenefitT-Mobile Hometown Grant ProgramThe T-Mobile Hometown Grants program funds projects to build, rebuild, or refresh community spaces that help foster local connections in your town. Projects should be shovel-ready, physical builds or improvements that can be completed within 12 months of receiving Hometown Grants funding.
Small towns with populations less than 50,000 are eligible to apply
Small towns less than 50,000T-MobileT-MobileSpring: Applications open January–March, Summer: Applications open April–June, Fall: Applications open July–September, Winter: Applications open October–December.  The portal will close on the last day of each quarter and reopen for the new quarter on the first of the month.
Community BenefitWalmart FoundationLocal Community grants range from a minimum of $250 to a maximum of $5,000. All applicants must create a Spark Good account to begin the application process. Organizations must also complete the Deed verification process prior to submitting an application. Access to Deed verification and the online application are available through an applicant's Spark Good account.Nonprofit, government entity, K12 public/private, faith based.Walmart Walmart or sparkgoodsupport@walmart.comJuly 15, October 15, Dec 15
Community FacilitiesCommunity facilities direct loan & grantFunding to develop essential community facilities that provide an essential service in rural areas.USDAUSDAPam Bensley580-899-2554 ext 116ongoing
Community, Education, HungerCasey's RetailWe support programs that meet our giving focus areas of Education, Hunger and Community Servants.Casey's RetailCasey's Retail5/1 - 4/30
Community, parks, hungerKubota Hometown ProudAwards 10-$10,000 grants and 10-$50,000 grants to 501c3 non profits. Community gardens and ag education centers to all-access parks and open space preservation projects, Kubota Tractor Corporation and our network of local dealers want to help with what’s important to you and your community. Must be within 50 mile radius of Kubota dealer. Public voting is live 8/1-8/14501c3KubotaKubota3/1/20244/12/2024
Diesel VehiclesVW SettlementLocal govt, transitODEQODEQMalcolm Zachariah405-702-41709/30/2024
EducationDollar GeneralAdult, family and youth literacyNonprofitDollar GeneralDollar GeneralJanuary
EducationKFC FoundationEmpowering through Education & Training examples: community wide CPR, library afterschool literacy program, equipment and curriculum for job skill training for adults with disabilitiesNon profitKFCKFC2/1/20242/29/2024
EducationKINF70% or more of children receive free or reduced lunches? Provide essential school supplies to the classroom most in need.SchoolsKINFKINF14-Aug
EducationLowesThis year LCEF is seeking ways to provide the tools to help educators and parent groups through educational challenges by providing the greatest impact, with basic necessities being the priority.LowesLowes
EducationMocking BirdGrants to schools and non profits: music, education, children. Interested in programs which benefit disenfranchised groups Nonprofit, schoolMocking BirdMocking
EducationWhole Kids Foundation Bee GrantsThe Bee Grants support educational beehives and programming at schools and nonprofit organizations so students can learn about the important role of pollinators. New applicants are invited to apply for the Traditional Bee Grant, which awards a $1,500 monetary or equipment grant.Education, non profitWhole Kids Foundation Bee GrantsWhole Kids Foundation Bee Grants
Education, Brick & Mortar, health & wellness, religionRobert Glenn Rapp Foundation501c3Robert RappRobert Rapp4/1/202431-Aug
Education, community development, economic development, environment, health, human services, cultural activitiesArvest Bank FoundationLimited to those organizations operating locally. All requests for funds must be supported by a formal written request that includes a brief mission statement of the organization, its leadership, and the purpose of the funds requested. In addition to the written request, organizations should include a completed W-9 formNonprofitArvest Bank FoundationArvest Bank Foundation
Education, health, arts/culture, community benefit, emergency responderONEOK Foundation IncGrants to USA nonprofit organizations in multiple states to benefit communities where the funding source has a business presence. Funding is intended for programs and activities in the areas of education, health and human services, arts and culture, environment, and community improvementNonprofitONEOKONEOKGrants less than $5000 ongoing - Great than $5000 must be submitted 6 weeks prior to quarterly meetings (March June, September, December)
Education, hunger relief and food insecurity, community developmentSpark lightGrants to USA nonprofit organizations and government agencies to improve lives, strengthen communities, and advance education in areas where the funding source has a business presence. Funding is intended for programs, special projects, equipment, and facilities improvements. Proposals may address a range of community activities, including STEM education in local schools, vocational and life skills training for persons with disabilities, capital campaign support for social services, and programs advocating on behalf of abused and neglected children, families in need, and the homeless. Nonprofit and governmentSpark lightSpark
Education, Hunger, Health/Wellness, Disaster ReliefInternational PaperAddress critical needs in communities where employees live/workNonprofitInternational PaperInternational PaperMid September
Education, job skill, prevention/recovery, suicideThe Boeing Charitable Giving Advisory BoardThe Advisory Board identifies and provides recommendations for funding related to educational enrichment for children, teens and adults; for veterans and their families making the military-to-civilian transition, job skill development and training, recovery and rehabilitation, and suicide prevention; and for making our communities more vibrant and sustainable through a continuing cycle of investment and enhancementNon profits, Boeing CharitableBoeing CharitableMarch 15-April 15
Education, scientific, religious, literacyWillard & Pat Walker Charitable FoundationFunding is intended to support charitable, educational, scientific, religious, and literary endeavors. All organizations must contact the Foundation office (via phone or email) at least 30 days before submitting a grant request to discuss funding eligibility.NonprofitWillard & Pat WalkerWillard & Pat Walker479-582-2310 info@walkerfoundation.org1/15-3/1 8/15 - 10/1
Education, STEM, Hunger, Housing, Equity, Social JusticeAmerican Electric Power (AEP) FoundationEligible applicants must be located within the AEP service territory or be national or regional. The following focus areas will be eligible for consideration by the Foundation:
• Improving lives through education from early childhood through higher education, with an emphasis in the areas of STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics).
• Providing basic human services in the areas of hunger and housing to assure that people have the necessities to build successful lives.
• Embracing change and equity for people of color through sustainable programs that move racial and social justice forward.
• Enriching the overall vitality of the community and improving the environment and people’s lives.
Nonprofit, government public IHESAmerican Electric Power (AEP) FoundationAmerican Electric Power (AEP) FoundationTiffini
Education, youth programLovesLove’s issues monetary or in-kind donations to organizations Nonprofit 501( c)(3), state, county, municipalLovesLoves
EnergyDepartment Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy of EnergyDepartment Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy of Energy
EnergyTo provide grants to supply nonprofit buildings with energy-efficiency materialNon-Profit AgenciesDepartment Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy of EnergyDepartment Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy of Energy
Energy, School and busesTo provide competitive grants to make energy efficiency, renewable energy, and alternative fueled vehicle upgrades and improvements at public schools. Non-Profit Agencies, Higher Education Institutions, Private Sector Businesses, Other EntitiesDepartment of Transportation Federal Transit AdministrationDepartment of Transportation Federal Transit Administration
EnvironmentOklahoma Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Office of External AffairsGrants of up to $1,500 to Oklahoma teachers, PreK-12 schools, youth group leaders, school environmental clubs, and youth-serving organizations for environmental learning programs and environmentally focused projects and strategies. Eligible projects include but are not limited to the following categories: environmental club projects, outdoor classroom revitalization, edible gardens, recycling, composting, green schools, and environmental education projects.School, youth group, ODEQODEQ800-869-140011/10 5/10
Environment, animalsKFC FoundationPark improvements, vehicle for mobile vet clinic, other reasonable project requests that haven't been coveredNon profitKFCKFC9/1/20249/30/2024
Environment, food, health, communityCliff Family FoundationGrants to USA nonprofit organizations for operational support. Funding is intended to support grassroots organizations that effect positive change in the focus areas of environmental stewardship, food and agriculture, health equity, and sustainable community development. Grant funds must be used to support daily operating costs and specific projects. Priority will be given to applicants that:
• Address two or more of the Foundation's funding priorities at the same time (strengthen the food system, enhance equitable community health outcomes, safeguard the environment and natural resources).
• Demonstrate strong community ties.
• Operate within viable and clearly defined plans for positive change.
Foundation Priorities
NonprofitCliff Family FoundationCliff Family Foundation3/1 8/1
EnvironmentalOklahoma Department of Environmental QualityGrants to curtail illegal dumping not to exceed $50,000.GovernmentODEQODEQAmanda Scofield or Libby 405-702-5118 or 405-702-5168 1-Dec28-Feb
Federal Lands Access Program (FLAP)Program to improve transportation facilities that provide access to, are adjacent to, or are located within Federal lands.Central Federal Lands Highway DivCentral Federal Lands Highway DivRandy Robinson405-229-7632
First ResponderThis program develops and transitions technologies, information, procedures, and concept of operations to aid first responders, emergency managers, and incident commanders as they respond to hazardous situations. It assists emergency response communities through test and assessment of technologies for usability and seeks to transition viable solutions to the commercial marketplace to help make them available across all first responder communities.Higher Education Institutions, Private Sector Businesses, Other EntitiesDepartment of Homeland Security Science and Technology / Infrastructure Investment and Jobs ActDepartment of Homeland Security Science and Technology / Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act
FoodPatrick Leahy Farm to School Grant ProgramDesigned to increase the availability of local foods in schools and help connect students to the sources of their food through education, taste tests, school gardens, field trips, and local food sourcing for school meals. Grants are available to launch new farm-to-school programs or expand existing efforts. Schools, other institutions that operate child nutrition programs, Indian tribe, agricultural producers or groups of agricultural producers, nonprofit entities, state, and localUSDAUSDA
Food and NutritionConagra FoundationGrants to USA nonprofit organizations for community-based programs related to food and nutrition. Priority is given to organizations with projects that impact and occur in or near communities where the funding source has a business presence. Focus areas include food access, nutrition education, cooking skills, healthy and active lifestyles, and select urban agricultural programs that have a clear community focus and develop entrepreneurial skills to help individuals participate in the farm-to-fork economy. Special Event Application: Nonprofit organizations based in the USA that would like to request support for a special event such as a gala or one-time event are encouraged to submit a special event application.
NonprofitConagra FoundationConagra FoundationLOI 1/1- 2/15
Food, clothing shelterFamily DollarProvide basic necessities of life (food, clothing and shelter) to low income and low middle income families including senior citizens, minorities and at risk youthFamily DollarFamily Dollar$500
Food, nutritionFarmers Market Promotion programAwards funding to projects that develop, coordinate, and expand direct producer-to-consumer markets. Aims to make locally and regionally produced food and agricultural products more available and accessible, especially in communities that may have difficulty accessing supermarkets or locally/regionally grown food.USDAUSDA
Food, nutritionOk Dept of AgOK Dept of AgOK Dept of AgJason
Food, shelterKFC FoundationExpanding access to food and shelter: food pantry remodel, community garden, building repairs/renovations, beautification of community spaceNon profitKFCKFC7/1/20247/31/2024
GardeningKids Gardening IncGrants of $500 and in-kind donations to USA and territories nonprofit organizations and schools for gardening programs. Funding is intended for both new and expanded programs to benefit children and youth. The goal of the program is to teach students about gardening and enhance the quality of life for youth and their communitiesSchools, nonprofitKids Gardening IncKids Gardening Inc
HealthWalgreensAccess, outreach and education toward health.WalgreensWalgreens
Health & WellbeingKFC FoundationMobilize health clinic creation, playground improvements, domestic violence shelter upgrades, accommodations for individuals with disabilitiesNon profitKFCKFC5/1/20245/31/2024
Health and WellnessBCBS Community GivingImprove health and wellness, improve quality of life, education Community, civic or charitable org.BCBS Community GivingBCBS Community Giving
Health, CommunitiesStrengthening Families & Communities & Health WorkforceUp to $75k for activities that advance the health of local communities and enhance the physical, mental, and social health and well being of families, children and youth. Nonprofit, agencies, schoolsTelligen Community InitiativeTelligen Community Initiative7/2/2024
Health, youth, arts, education, animal welfareCresap Foundation Grants to Oklahoma nonprofit organizations to enhance the quality of life for residents in eligible locations. Applicants must submit an LOI before submitting a full application. Funding is intended for projects in the focus areas of health and wellness, youth and families, arts and humanities, education, and animal welfare. Funding preference will be given to organizations in counties where Premium Beers operated, including but not limited to Oklahoma Canadian, Grady, Cleveland, Logan, Pottawatomie, and Lincoln and the following counties in Northeast Oklahoma: Craig, Delaware, Mayes, Nowata, Osage, Ottawa, and Washington. This is a strong preference but is not mandatory.NonprofitCresap Foundation Cresap Foundation 405-755-5571LOI - 4/1/24 Application - 8/1
Housing, Education/Youth, Community Service, Medical, ClothingOperation Round Up - Ok Elect CoopIndividual and family grant. (Canadian, Oklahoma, Pottawatomie, McClain, Cleveland, Grady and Caddo OECOEC
Hunger, career readiness, youth leadershipArby'sPlease note, at this time we do not accept unsolicited grant requests.  All grantees are nominated by members of the Inspire Brands communityArby'sArby's
MarinaOklahoma Clean Marina / Oklahoma Department of Environmental QualityHelps marinas with cost of construction and maintenance of pump out stations, building floatingODEQODEQCheryl Dirck405 - 702-8170
Math and ScienceToshiba America FoundationGrants of up to $5,000 and grants starting at $5,000 to USA six through twelfth-grade teachers of public and nonprofit private schools for fun and exciting classroom-based learning projects that aim to increase student achievement in math and science. Previous grants have funded mentoring programs, electronics courses, and biochemical research projects. The Foundation strongly encourages projects planned and led by individual teachers or teams of teachers for their own classrooms. Many successful grantees have designed projects that tap into the natural curiosity of their students, enable students to frame their own scientific questions, and incorporate the expertise of community partners.Public/Private schoolToshibaToshiba9/1/2017
Medical, Housing, Education/Youth, CommunityOperation Round Up - Ok Elect CoopFinancial assistance that address community needs in Central OklahomaCotton Electric FoundationCotton Electric FoundationTory
Mental HealthMorgan Stanley Alliance for Children's Mental HealthThe Morgan Stanley Alliance for Children's Mental Health Innovation Awards aim to identify and fund mental healthcare solutions for children and young adults across the U.S. Support is provided to direct-service organizations for new or piloted projects that will address the challenges of stress, anxiety, depression, or other mental health issues in children and young adults on a national or local level. Projects must tackle specific issues and address unmet needs, with a goal of reducing stigma, increasing access to care, improving equity in mental health, enabling early identification and prevention, and enhancing intervention, especially among disadvantaged and vulnerable populations. The focus is primarily on nonprofit organizations with an annual total revenue under $10 millionNonprofitMorgan Stanley AllianceMorgan Stanley Alliance7/14/2023$100,000
Mental Health, maternal, foodCVSfunds to aid health-focused nonprofit organizations in their mission. Organizations must be invited to participate in the grant process, and are required to provide services in at least one of the following areas: access to health care for underserved populations, chronic disease management programs and tobacco cessation and prevention servicesNonprofitCVSCVS
MilitaryOklahoma Arts and Military Grant/Oklahoma Arts CouncilGrants up to $5000 to support programs that service primarily induvial who are connected to the militaryOklahoma ArtsOklahoma ArtsErika Wilhite405-521-6280ongoing
Open space, green bldgs.Community ChangeTechnical Assistance to help disaster prone & disadvantaged communities prepare to apply for grant. Free design and project development assistance, community engagement and partnership development workshops. see NOFOEPAEPAnow11/21/2024
RecreationAll Kids PlayAll Kids Play provides funding to families and communities who lack the resources to pay for youth sports. Grants are available to qualifying families with kids in grade K-12 and not-for-profit community-based recreational sports organizations in low income areas on a need and first-come, first served basis as funds are available. Individual grants can be used for registration, equipment and other associated fees for sports classes, recreational leagues, and travel sports
All Kids PlayAll Kids Play
RecreationAmerican Academy of DermatologyProjects that increase the safety of outdoor play spaces. Funding may be used for expenses associated with the installation of shade structures. Grantees will also be provided with a permanent sign to be placed near the shade structure featuring sun-safety tips. To be considered, applicants must demonstrate that they have an active sun-safety/skin cancer awareness program for at least one year prior to application.Schools, daycares, parks, non profitsAmerican Academy of DermatologyAmerican Academy of Dermatology
RecreationGame TimePromote physical activity, reduce childhood obesity and encourage play for all. Up to 100% matching funds.Nonprofit, schools, park dept, youth org.GametimeGametime800-235-244010/18/2024
RecreationKaboom! Playground GrantKaboom! offers grants and consulting assistance to improve play areas at schools. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis and filled as opportunities arise.SchoolsKaboom! PlaygroundKaboom! Playground
Recreation, conservationNational Park ServiceApplicants must contact the appropriate regional office before submitting an application. The National Park Service – Rivers, Trails, and Conservation Assistance program (RTCA) supports community-led natural resource conservation and outdoor recreation projects. NPS projects typically fall within five focus areas, Build healthy communities through parks, trails, and outdoor opportunities, conserve natural lands, rivers, and watersheds, Engage youth in outdoor recreation and stewardship, Strengthen the organizational capacity of project partners, Support National Park Service and community networksNonprofit, tribes, government, community groupNational Park ServiceNational Park ServiceEricka PilcherRTCA_Apps_IMR@nps.gov3/1/2024
RoadsIndustrial Access Roads / Oklahoma Department of TransportationAssist industrial development by providing funds for the construction or improvement of access facilities to industrial operations or designated industrial areasGovernmentODOTODOTMitch Surrett405-522-0290ongoing
RoadsLake Access Roads / Oklahoma Department of TransportationState funds for surfacing reimbursement program. City/County prepare the base and drainingGovernmentODOTODOTMitch Surrett405-522-02901-Jul1-Apr
RoadsMunicipal Road Drilling Activity Fund / Oklahoma Department of TransportationRepair roadway damage caused by increased oilfield activityGovernmentODOTODOTMelissa 1-Jul
RoadsUnpaved Roads Program/Oklahoma Conservation CommissionFund work on public unpaved roads and focuses on sediment reduction that could negatively impact a priority water body.GovernmentOk Conservation CommissionTrampas Tripp918-441-2482ongoing
Rural: youth, seniors, disabilitiesThe Carl C Anderson Sr & Marie Joe AndersonThe foundation funds (encourage rural organizations to apply) in our 3 mission areas: essential needs for children/youth; programs serving seniors; programs serving people with disabilities. Grants of up to $20,000 to benefit the community. NonprofitCarl AndersonODOTkkahan@theandersonfoundation.orgOngoing
Safety ATVYamaha Outdoor Access InitiativeSupport efforts that promote safe, responsible use of OHV, educate the public on property recreational land use and wildlife conservation practices and protect appropriate and sustainable access to public lands. Trail development, restoration, maintenance, signage and maps, staging areas, safety and educationYamaha AccessYamahaOHVAaccess@yamaha-motor.com3/31/24; 6/30/2024; 9/30/2024;12/15/2024
Safety, disaster preparedness/recovery, teen driver educationGood Neighbor Citizenship Company GrantsState Farm provides grants to projects that focus on auto and roadway safety, teen driver education, home safety and fire prevention, disaster preparedness, and disaster recovery. Eligible applicants for this potential funding opportunity are educational institutions; programs conducted by municipal, county, state or federal government entities that align with the State Farm® charitable focus;Educational, local government, non profits, chamber of commerce, volunteer fire companiesState FarmStateFarm
SchoolClean School Bus ProgramState or local governments, eligible contractors, and nonprofit school transportation associations are authorized to receive grant funds. Fifty percent of the funds are authorized for zero-emission school buses, and 50 percent of the funds are authorized for alternative fuels and zero-emission school buses. Funds may be prioritized for rural or low-income communities and entities that have matching funds available. The EPA Administrator is authorized to provide funds to cover up to 100 percent of the costs for the replacement of the bus.Cities, counties, non profits, states, tribes, private sector businessesUS EPACleanSchoolBus
SecurityNonprofit Security Grant ProgramThe Nonprofit Security Grant Program (NSGP) provides funding support for target hardening and other physical security enhancements and activities to nonprofit organizations that are at high risk of terrorist attack. The intent is to integrate nonprofit preparedness activities with broader state and local preparedness efforts. It is also designed to promote coordination and collaboration in emergency preparedness activities among public and private community representatives, as well as state and local government agenciesNonprofitFEMAFEMANonProfitSecurityGrantChristina Doran, Oklahoma Office of Homeland Security405 425-7591
SecuritySTOP School ViolenceThe Students, Teachers, and Officers Preventing (STOP) School Violence grant program is offered through the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) of the DOJ. The focus of this program is to help prevent acts of violence, as well as to make sure students and teachers are prepared to recognize and act quickly in response to escalating situations. Eligible entities include public and private schools, municipalities, law enforcement agencies, and Indian tribes. Funding is directed toward violence prevention programs, such as:  Conducing threat assessments and training intervention teams for schools, Improved reporting capabilities, including technology-based solutions,   Additional strategies designed to help prevent school violenceSchoolBureau of JusticeBureauJustice
SeniorsChanging AgingResearch, startups, pilot projects, direct services, etc. Support ending ageism, advancing digital equity, supporting aging in place.Nonprofit, university, local govtNext50Next50Foundation1-Jul31-Jul
Seniors Ok City Community Foundationwhich enable them to live independently in their homes.Nonprofits/charitable orgsOk City Community FoundationOKCFoundationApplication opens 8/5; Grant meeting 9/4, LOI 9/20; Deadline 9/27
Seniors, DisabledCommunity Care Corpsinnovative local models in which volunteers provide nonmedical assistance to family caregivers, older adults or adults with disabilities in order to maintain their independence. A second option has been added for local organizations across the country capable of building a network of screened and trained volunteer chaperones to accompany older adults and adults with disabilities in need to and from non-emergency medical appointments and outpatient procedures.Nonprofit, state, local, faith base, medical, National Community
STEMSociety for Science: STEM Research GrantSTEM Research Grants provide support to US middle and high school teachers engaging their students in authentic STEM research. Teachers can apply for up to $5,000 in funding to purchase specialized equipment, receive a set of pre-selected equipment valued at $1,000, or both.Society for ScienceSTEM15-Nov
TransportationActive Transportation Infrastructure Investment ProgramThe Active Transportation Infrastructure Investment Program (ATIIP) is a new competitive grant program to construct projects to provide safe and connected active transportation facilities in active transportation networks or active transportation spines. Active transportation networks are active transportation facilities that connect between destinations within a community or metropolitan region, including schools, workplaces, residences, businesses, recreation areas, medical facilities, and other community areas . Active transportation spines are active transportation facilities that connect between communities, metropolitan regions, or States. States, MPOs, cities, tribes, special districtsFHWAATIIP
TransportationTransportation Alternative / Oklahoma Department of TransportationImprove the safety and connectivity within communities/cities GovernmentODOTODOT WebsiteMatt VanAuken405-436-3734
Transportation, bike/ped/roadsRural Surface Transportation Grant ProgramRural Surface Transportation Grant Program will support projects to improve and expand the surface transportation infrastructure in rural areas to increase connectivity, improve the safety and reliability of the movement of people and freight, and generate regional economic growth and improve quality of life. States/Territories, Counties, Cities, Tribes, Transit AgenciesDepartment of Transportation Federal Highway AdministrationRuralSurface
Transportation, resiliencePromoting Resilient Operations for Transformative, Efficient, and Cost-Saving Transportation (PROTECT) – DiscretionaryPROTECT Grants will support planning, resilience improvements, community resilience and evacuation routes, and at-risk coastal infrastructure. Federal Agencies, States/Territories, MPOs, Counties, Cities, Tribes, Transit Agencies, Other EntitiesDepartment of Transportation Federal Highway AdministrationPROTECT
Transportation, trails, bike/pedPeople for BikesPeopleForBikes’ Bike Industry Community Grant funding infrastructure projects that improve a community’s City Ratings score by building connections in a low-stress bikeway network or improving access to recreational amenities. Our grants range from $5,000 to $10,000. Eligible projects include: costs related to the development of permanent bike infrastructure, including trails, shared-use paths, bike parks, pump tracks, bicycle playgrounds, neighborhood greenways/bike boulevards, and protected bike lanes
Nonprofit, local/state agenciesPeople for BikesBikes
UnderservedThe Hearst FoundationGrants to USA nonprofit organizations to help improve the quality of life for underserved populations throughout the country. Funding is intended to address significant issues in the areas of arts and sciences, education, health, and social service. Eligible applicants primarily serve large geographic or demographic constituencies.NonprofitHearst FoundationHearstFoundation Ongoing
UnderservedThe Tony Robbins FoundationFunding is intended to make a difference in the lives of senior citizens, youth, homeless populations, imprisoned populations, and the hungry. To be considered for a grant from The Tony Robbins Foundation, an organization must first submit an online Letter of Intent. A Letter of Intent may not exceed 3 pages in length. NonprofitTony RobbinsTonyRobbinsFoundation Ongoing
YouthTaco BellScholarships and after school programsAfter school programsTaco BellTacoBell

Other Funding Opportunities

Department of Transportation, FHWATransportation, Roads, Bridges and Major Projects23 USC 503(b) – Highway Research & Development Program Highway Research and Development Program performs research and development to produce transformative solutions to improve safety, foster innovation, accelerate projects, and better meet operations, policy, and infrastructure needs. To Be Determined
Department of Transportation, FHWATransportation, Roads, Bridges and Major Projects23 USC 503(b) Set-aside – National Motor Vehicle Per-Mile User Fee Pilot (Set-aside) purpose of this pilot program is to demonstrate a national motor vehicle per-mile user fee to restore and maintain the long-term solvency of the Highway Trust Fund and to improve and maintain the surface transportation system. States/Territories
Department of Transportation, FHWATransportation, Roads, Bridges and Major Projects23 USC 503(b) Set-aside – Strategic Innovation for Revenue Collection (Set-aside) Department of Transportation to test the feasibility of a road usage fee and other user-based alternative revenue mechanisms to help maintain the long-term solvency of the Highway Trust Fund, through pilot projects at the State, local, and regional level. States/Territories, MPOs, Counties, Cities
Department of Transportation, FHWATransportation Other23 USC 503(c) – Technology & Innovation Deployment Program Technology & Innovation Deployment Program turns research products into proven technologies that address emerging needs, invest in the Nation’s infrastructure, and promote rapid adoption of proven, market-ready technologies and innovations. To Be Determined
Department of Transportation, FHWATransportation, Roads, Bridges and Major Projects23 USC 503(c) Set-aside – Accelerated Implementation and Deployment of Advanced Digital Construction Management Systems (Set-aside) Accelerated Implementation and Deployment of Advanced Digital Construction Management Systems will promote, implement, deploy, demonstrate, showcase, support, and document the application of advanced digital construction management systems, practices, performance, and benefits. To Be Determined
Department of Transportation, FHWATransportation, Roads, Bridges and Major Projects23 USC 503(c) Set-aside – Accelerated Implementation and Deployment of Pavement Technologies (Set-aside) a coordinated and cohesive approach to advance research and development of technologies with deployment activities regarding highway pavements and the materials from which highway infrastructure is constructed. To Be Determined
Department of Transportation, FHWATransportation, Roads, Bridges and Major Projects23 USC 503(c) Set-aside – Advanced Transportation Technologies & Innovative Mobility Deployment Advanced Transportation Technologies & Innovative Mobility Deployment program will make competitive grants to deploy, install, and operate advanced transportation technologies. States/Territories, MPOs, Counties, Cities, Non-Profit Agencies, Higher Education Institutions
Department of Transportation, FHWATransportation OtherActive Transportation Infrastructure Investment Program construct eligible projects to provide safe and connected active transportation facilities in an active transportation network or active transportation spine. States/Territories, MPOs, Counties, Cities, Tribes, Special Districts
Department of Energy, Cybersecurity, Energy Security and Emergency ResponseBroadband & CybersecurityActivities Under Cybersecurity For The Energy Sector Research, Development, And Demonstration Program support development and deployment of advanced cyber applications, technologies, and threat collaboration efforts with the U.S. energy sector.Utilities, Private Sector Businesses, Other Entities
Department of Energy, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy and ElectricityClimate, Energy & Environment - Clean Energy and Power, ResilienceAdvanced Energy Manufacturing and Recycling Grants provide grants to small- and medium-sized manufacturers to enable them to build new or retrofit existing manufacturing and industrial facilities to produce or recycle advanced energy products in communities where coal mines or coal power plants have closed. Private Sector Businesses
Department of Energy Office of Clean Energy DemonstrationsClimate, Energy & EnvironmentAdvanced Reactor Demonstration Program fund two large demonstrations of advanced nuclear reactors for electricity generation. Private Sector Businesses, Other Entities
Federal Communications Commission, Wireline Competition BureauBroadband & CybersecurityAffordable Connectivity Program Affordable Connectivity Program is a Federal Communications Commission benefit program that helps ensure that low-income households can afford the broadband they need for work, school, healthcare and more. Federal Agencies, Private Sector Businesses, Other Entities
Federal Communications Commission Wireline Competition BureauBroadband & CybersecurityAffordable Connectivity Program – Outreach Grants help inform and educate consumers about the Affordable Connectivity Program, the Federal Communications Commission may provide grants to outreach partners.To Be Determined
Federal Aviation AdministrationAirports and FAA FacilitiesAirport Infrastructure Grants funds are allocated in the 3 buckets: Primary Allocation, Non‑Primary Allocation, Contract Towers States/Territories, Counties, Cities, Tribes, Private Sector Businesses, Other Entities
Department of TransportationTransportationAirport Terminals Program grants to eligible airports for capital improvements for airport terminal development generally defined as development of an airport passenger terminal building, including terminal gates; access roads servicing exclusively airport traffic that leads directly to or from an airport passenger terminal building; walkways that lead directly to or from an airport passenger terminal building; multimodal terminal development; and projects for on-airport rail access projects. As well as projects for relocating, reconstructing, repairing or improving an airport-owned airport traffic control tower. States/Territories, Counties, Cities, Tribes, Private Sector Businesses, Other Entities
Department of TransportationTransportationAll Stations Accessibility Program capital funding to upgrade the accessibility of legacy rail fixed guideway public transportation systems for people with disabilities, including those who use wheelchairs. States/Territories, Counties, Cities
Federal Railroad AdministrationPassenger and Freight RailAmtrak National Network GrantsTo provide funding for capital projects to eliminate Amtrak's backlog of deferred maintenance of rolling stock, facilities, stations, and infrastructure on the National Network. Amtrak
Department of Transportation, FHWARoads, Bridges and Major ProjectsAppalachian Development Highway System Appalachian Development Highway System Program will distribute funds for construction of the Appalachian Development Highway System by formula to States with one or more counties (including any political subdivision within the area) in the Appalachian Region. States/Territories
Department of Energy - Energy Efficiency and Renewal EnergyClean Energy and PowerAssisting Federal Facilities with Conservation Technologies provide grants to federal agencies that they can leverage with private capital to make energy and water efficiency upgrades to federal buildings. Federal Agencies
Department of Energy - Energy Efficiency and Renewal EnergyClean Energy and PowerBattery and Critical Mineral Recycling award grants for research, development, and demonstration projects to create innovative and practical approaches to increase the reuse and recycling of batteries. States/Territories, Non-Profit Agencies, Higher Education Institutions, Private Sector Businesses, Other Entities
Environmental Protection Agency Environmental Programs ManagementClimate, Energy & EnvironmentBattery Labeling GuidelinesThis investment will promote the safe handling of used batteries and improve battery recycling programs. Establishes a program to promote battery recycling through the development of voluntary labeling guidelines for batteries and other forms of communication materials for battery producers and consumers about the reuse and recycling of critical materials from batteries. The purposes of the program are to improve battery collection and reduce battery waste, including by identifying battery collection locations and increasing accessibility to those locations; promoting consumer education about battery collection and recycling; and reducing safety concerns relating to the improper disposal of batteries.Federal Agencies
Department of Energy Energy Efficiency and Renewable EnergyClean Energy and PowerBattery Manufacturing and Recycling Grants provide grants to ensure that the United States has a viable domestic manufacturing and recycling capability to support a North American battery supply chain. States/Territories, Counties, Cities, Non-Profit Agencies, Higher Education Institutions, Private Sector Businesses, Other Entities
Department of Energy Energy Efficiency and Renewable EnergyClean Energy and PowerBattery Materials Processing Grants provide grants for battery materials processing to ensure that the United States has a viable battery materials processing industry. Funds can also be used to expand our domestic capabilities in battery manufacturing and enhance processing capacity. States/Territories, Counties, Cities, Non-Profit Agencies, Higher Education Institutions, Private Sector Businesses, Other Entities
Environmental Protection Agency, Environmental Programs and ManagementClimate, Energy & EnvironmentBattery Recycling Best PracticesThis investment will promote the safe handling of used batteries and improve battery recycling programs. The Environmental Protection Agency will develop best practices that may be implemented by State, Tribal, and local governments with respect to the collection of batteries to be recycled in a manner that to the maximum extent practicable, is technically and economically feasible for State, Tribal, and local governments; is environmentally sound and safe for waste management workers; and optimizes the value and use of material derived from recycling of batteries. The Environmental Protection Agency will develop the best practices in coordination with State, Tribal, and local governments and relevant nongovernmental and private sector entities.Federal Agencies
Department of TransportationTransportationBridge Formula Program Bridge Formula Program will provide funds to states by formula for bridge replacement, rehabilitation, preservation, protection, or construction projects on public roads. This program includes three set-asides: 15 percent will be set-aside for use on off-system bridges; 3 percent will be set-aside for use on Tribal Transportation Facility bridges; and, 0.5 percent will be set-aside for administrative expenses of the Federal Highway Administration. An additional description of the Tribal Transportation Facility set-aside can be found later in this chapter.   States/Territories
Department of Transportation Federal Highway AdministrationTransportation Roads, Bridges and Major ProjectsBridge Investment Program Bridge Investment Program will support projects to improve bridge and culvert condition, safety, efficiency, and reliability. Federal Agencies, States/Territories, MPOs, Counties, Cities, Tribes, Transit Agencies, Other Entities
Department of Transportation Federal Highway AdministrationTransportation Roads, Bridges and Major ProjectsBridge Investment Program Set-aside – Grants for Planning, Feasibility Analysis, and Revenue ForecastingThe Bridge Investment Program will support projects to improve bridge (and culvert) condition, safety, efficiency, and reliability. Federal Agencies, States/Territories, MPOs, Counties, Cities, Tribes, Special Districts, Transit Agencies
Federal Communications Commission, Wireline Competition BureauBroadbandBroadband Deployment Locations MapThe Federal Communications Commission shall consult with all relevant Federal agencies to establish an online mapping tool to provide a locations overview of the overall geographic footprint of each broadband infrastructure deployment project funded by the Infrastructure Act, the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act, the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021, the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 or any other federal amounts appropriated or any Federal program authorized after the date of enactment of the Infrastructure Act to fund broadband infrastructure deployment. Federal Agencies, Other Entities
Department of Commerce, National Telecommunications and Information AdministrationBroadbandBroadband Equity, Access, And Deployment Program $42.45 billion for states, territories, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico to use for broadband planning, deployment, and adoption projects. Each state, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico will receive an allocation of at least $100 million and the United States Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands will each receive $25 million. Each state will receive initial funding of $5 million and each territory will receive initial funding of $1.25 million to support broadband planning efforts including building capacity in state broadband offices and outreach and coordination with local communities. Leveraging those initial planning funds each state and territory will submit a 5-year action plan, which shall be informed by collaboration with local and regional entities. The remaining funding will be distributed based on a formula that considers the number of unserved and high-cost locations in the state, based on the maps to be published by the Federal Communications Commission in 2022. The first priority for deployment is for providing broadband to projects that primarily reach unserved locations (those below 25/3 Mbps), followed by those that primarily reach underserved locations (those below 100/20 Mbps), and then serving community anchor institutions (1/1 Gbps). States/Territories
Department of Energy Energy Efficiency and Renewable EnergyClean Energy and PowerBuilding Codes Implementation for Efficiency and Resilience competitive grant program to enable sustained, cost-effective implementation of updated building energy codes to save customers money on their energy bills. States/Territories
Department of Homeland Security—Federal Emergency Management Agency Disaster Relief FundClimate, Energy & Environment ResilienceBuilding Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (Robert T Stafford Act Section 203(i)) Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities program makes federal funds available to states, U.S territories, federally recognized Tribal governments, and local communities for hazard mitigation activities. States/Territories, Counties, Cities, Tribes
Department of Energy Energy Efficiency and Renewable EnergyClean Energy and PowerBuilding, Training, And Assessment Centers provide grants to institutions of higher education to establish building training and assessment centers to educate and train building technicians and engineers on implementing modern building technologies. Higher Education Institutions
Department of Energy Office of Clean Energy DemonstrationsClean Energy and PowerCarbon Capture Demonstration Projects Program establish a carbon capture technology program for the development of 6 facilities to demonstrate transformational technologies that will significantly improve the efficiency, effectiveness, costs, emissions reductions, and environmental performance of coal and natural gas use, including in manufacturing and industrial facilities. States/Territories, Counties, Cities, Tribes, Utilities, Higher Education Institutions, Private Sector Businesses, Other Entities
Department of Energy Office of Clean Energy DemonstrationsClean Energy and PowerCarbon Capture Large-Scale Pilot Programs establish a carbon capture technology program for the development of transformational technologies that will significantly improve the efficiency, effectiveness, costs, emissions reductions, and environmental performance of coal and natural gas use, including in manufacturing and industrial facilities. States/Territories, Counties, Cities, Tribes, Utilities, Higher Education Institutions, Private Sector Businesses, Other Entities
Department of Energy Fossil Energy and Carbon ManagementClean Energy and PowerCarbon Dioxide Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Program establish and carry out a carbon dioxide transportation infrastructure finance and innovation program. States/Territories, Counties, Cities, Transit Agencies
Department of Transportation Federal Highway AdministrationTransportation ResilienceCarbon Reduction Program Carbon Reduction Program will provide formula grants to States to reduce transportation emissions or the development of carbon reduction strategies. States/Territories
Department of Energy Fossil Energy and Carbon ManagementClean Energy and PowerCarbon Storage Validation and Testing establish a program of research, development, and demonstration for carbon storage. Private Sector Businesses
Department of Energy Fossil Energy and Carbon ManagementClean Energy and PowerCarbon Utilization Program establish a grant program for state and local governments to procure and use products derived from captured carbon oxides. States/Territories, Counties, Cities, Utilities
Department of Energy Energy Efficiency and Renewable EnergyClean Energy and PowerCareer Skills Training provide grants to pay the Federal share of career skills training programs under which students concurrently receive classroom instruction and on-the-job training for the purpose of obtaining an industry-related certification to install energy efficient building technologies. Non-Profit Agencies
Department of Transportation Federal Highway AdministrationElectric Vehicles, Buses and FerriesCharging & Fueling Infrastructure Grants (Corridor Charging) electric vehicle (EV) charging and hydrogen/propane/natural gas fueling infrastructure along designated alternative fuel corridors and in communities. States/Territories, MPOs, Counties, Cities, Tribes, Transit Agencies
Department of Transportation Federal Highway AdministrationElectric Vehicles, Buses and FerriesCharging and Fueling Infrastructure Grants (Community Charging) funds will be made available each fiscal year for Community Grants, to install EV charging and alternative fuel in locations on public roads, schools, parks, and in publicly accessible parking facilities. These grants will be prioritized for rural areas, low-and moderate-income neighborhoods, and communities with low ratios of private parking, or high ratios of multiunit dwellings. States/Territories, MPOs, Counties, Cities, Tribes, Transit Agencies
Department of Energy Energy Efficiency and Renewable EnergyClean Energy and PowerClean Hydrogen Electrolysis Program establish a research, development, demonstration, commercialization, and deployment program for purposes of commercialization to improve the efficiency, increase the durability, and reduce the cost of producing clean hydrogen using electrolyzers. Private Sector Businesses
Department of Energy Energy Efficiency and Renewable EnergyClean Energy and PowerClean Hydrogen Manufacturing Recycling provide federal financial assistance to advance new clean hydrogen production, processing, delivery, storage, and use equipment manufacturing technologies and techniques. Private Sector Businesses
Environmental Protection Agency State and Tribal AssistanceElectric Vehicles, Buses and FerriesClean School Bus Program or local governments, eligible contractors, and nonprofit school transportation associations are authorized to receive grant funds. Fifty percent of the funds are authorized for zero-emission school buses, and 50 percent of the funds are authorized for alternative fuels and zero-emission school buses. Funds may be prioritized for rural or low-income communities and entities that have matching funds available. The EPA Administrator is authorized to provide funds to cover up to 100 percent of the costs for the replacement of the bus. States/Territories, Counties, Cities, Tribes, Non-Profit Agencies, Private Sector Businesses
Environmental Protection Agency State and Tribal Assistance GrantsWaterClean Water State Revolving Fund Clean Water State Revolving Fund program is a federal-state partnership that provides communities low-cost financing for a wide range of water quality infrastructure projects. Under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, 49 percent of Clean Water State Revolving Fund funds shall be eligible to be grants or 100 percent principal forgiveness loans. The Clean Water State Revolving Fund program provides capitalization grants to States, which will provide a long-term source of State financing for construction of wastewater treatment facilities and implementation of other water quality management activities. States/Territories, Cities, Tribes, Utilities
Environmental Protection Agency State and Tribal Assistance GrantsWaterClean Water State Revolving Fund-Emerging Contaminants Water State Revolving Fund funding as described in the Clean Water State Revolving Fund program, with eligible projects limited to those that address emerging contaminants, such as PFAS. States/Territories, Cities, Tribes, Utilities, Other Entities
Department of Energy Fossil Energy and Carbon ManagementClean Energy and PowerCommercial Direct Air Capture Technology Prize Competition of program to support large-scale pilot projects and demonstration projects and test carbon capture technologies. Private Sector Businesses
Department of Transportation Federal Motor Carrier Safety AdministrationSafetyCommercial Driver’s License Implementation Program CDLPI discretionary grant seeks to improve highway safety by supporting Commercial Driver's License (CDL) Programs on a State and National level. The funding assists grant partners in achieving compliance with the CDL regulations in 49 CFR Parts 383 and 384 by providing funding directly to States and other entities capable of executing National projects to aid States in their compliance efforts. States/Territories, Counties, Cities
Department of Transportation Federal Motor Carrier Safety AdministrationSafetyCommercial Motor Vehicle Enforcement Training & Support Grant ProgramThe purpose of this new discretionary grant is to train non-Feds who conduct CMV enforcement activities and to develop related training materials. Non-Profit Agencies
Department of Transportation Federal Motor Carrier Safety AdministrationElectric Vehicles, Buses and FerriesCommercial Motor Vehicle Operator Safety Training Grant Program Commercial Motor Vehicle Operator Safety Training grant program awards grants to a variety of educational institutions that provide commercial truck and bus driving training, including accredited public or private colleges, universities, vocational-technical schools, post-secondary educational institutions, truck driver training schools, associations, and state and local governments, including federally recognized Native American Tribal governments. States/Territories, Counties, Cities, Tribes, Transit Agencies, Non-Profit Agencies, Higher Education Institutions, Private Sector Businesses, Other Entities
Department of Transportation Federal Highway AdministrationRoads, Bridges and Major ProjectsCongestion Mitigation & Air Quality Improvement Program Bipartisan Infrastructure Law continues the Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program to provide a flexible funding source to state and local governments for transportation projects and programs to help meet the requirements of the Clean Air Act. Funding is available to reduce congestion and improve air quality for areas that do not meet the National Ambient Air Quality Standards for ozone, carbon monoxide, or particulate matter (nonattainment areas) and for former nonattainment areas that are now in compliance (maintenance areas). States/Territories
Department of Transportation Federal Highway AdministrationRoads, Bridges and Major ProjectsCongestion Relief ProgramAdvance innovative, integrated, and multimodal solutions to reduce congestion and the related economic and environmental costs in the most congested metropolitan areas with an urbanized area population of 1 million+. States/Territories, MPOs, Counties, Cities
Department of Transportation Federal Railroad AdministrationPassenger and Freight RailConsolidated Rail Infrastructure and Safety Improvement Grants fund projects that improve the safety, efficiency, and reliability of intercity passenger and freight rail. States/Territories, Counties, Cities, Tribes, Amtrak, Transit Agencies, Non-Profit Agencies, Private Sector Businesses, Other Entities
Department of Defense – Army Corps of EngineersResilienceContinuing Authorities Program (Under Flood Control Act And River And Harbor Act)Funds eligible small Army Corps projects, including $115 million for restoring fish and wildlife passage. Federal Agencies, To Be Determined
Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology Infrastrure Investment and Jobs Act, National Highway Traffic Safety AdministrationResilience, SafetyCountering Violent Extremism of violence can pose a significant impact to American lives and Federal, State, local, and Tribal governments. This Program aims to conduct evidence-based research to meet the policy, operational, and public needs to improve effectiveness of public safety and violence prevention efforts implemented by federal, state, territorial, Tribal, local, and non-governmental stakeholders. Higher Education Institutions, Private Sector Businesses, Other Entities
Department of Homeland Security, Science & Technology / Infrastructure Investment and Jobs ActResilienceCritical Infrastructure Security and Resilience Research program oversees activities performed under the Infrastructure Act and report to Congress on the progress of Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience Research program’s research and development activities. Higher Education Institutions, Private Sector Businesses, Other Entities
Department of Energy, Fossil Energy and Carbon ManagementClean Energy and PowerCritical Material Innovation, Efficiency, And Alternatives conduct a program of research, development, demonstration, and commercialization to develop alternatives to critical materials, to promote their efficient production and use, and ensure a long-term secure and sustainable supply of them. Private Sector Businesses
Department of Energy, Fossil Energy and Carbon ManagementClean Energy and PowerCritical Material Supply Chain Research Facility support construction of a Critical Materials Supply Chain Research Facility. Private Sector Businesses
Department of Homeland Security - Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security AgencyBroadband & CybersecurityCyber Response and Recovery FundThis fund is a provision of the Cyber Response and Recovery Act (Section 70601 of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law). It is based on a Cyberspace Solarium Commission recommendation, and at a high level, is a cyber Stafford Act which also establishes a fund (the Cyber Response and Recovery Fund) that the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency can tap into in the event of a significant cyber incidents when other resources are insufficient. Federal Agencies, Other Entities
Department of Homeland Security, Science and Technology / Infrastructure Investment and Jobs ActBroadband & CybersecurityCybersecurity program researches, analyzes, and develops technologies to strengthen defensive cybersecurity capabilities in a spectrum of strategic technical areas to mitigate risk to the Nation’s critical infrastructure, Federal departments and agencies, as well as state, territorial, Tribal and local organizations Higher Education Institutions, Private Sector Businesses, Other Entities
Department of the Interior, Bureau of ReclamationWaterDam Safety Program's Dam Safety Program is in place to ensure Reclamation dams do not present unreasonable risk to people, property, and the environment. States/Territories, Counties, Cities, To Be Determined
Department of the Interior, office of Wildland FireResilienceDepartment of Interior Wildfire Management – Preparedness Preparedness Program funds a range of actions that helps the Federal government prepare to respond to wildland fire. These include hiring people, training them, tracking their qualifications, and planning our wildland fire response ahead of time. It also provides for the purchasing of equipment for early wildfire detection, real-time monitoring and radios to support interoperability with interagency partners; financial assistance to local communities to purchase slip-on tanks; and increases in firefighter pay and other firefighter workforce reforms. Federal Agencies, States/Territories, Counties, Cities, Tribes, Private Sector Businesses
Department of Energy, ElectricityClean Energy and PowerDeployment of Technologies to Enhance Grid Flexibility and expansion of eligible activities under the Smart Grid Investment Matching Grant Program established under section 1306 of the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007. Utilities
Department of the Interior, Office of the SecretaryResilienceDirect Federal Spending For Invasives for invasive species detection, prevention, and eradication on private or public lands States/Territories, Tribes
Department of the Interior, Office of the SecretaryResilienceDirect Federal Spending For Resilient Recreation SitesFunding to improve resilience of recreation sites on Federal lands, including Indian forest or range lands Federal Agencies, To Be Determined
Department of Transportation Federal Highway AdministrationRoads, Bridges and Major ProjectsDisadvantaged Business Enterprises Disadvantaged Business Enterprise program assists small and disadvantaged firms with building capacity and improving their ability to compete for Federal-aid highway contracts. States/Territories
Environmental Protection Agency State and Tribal Assistance GrantsWaterDrinking Water State Revolving Fund Drinking Water State Revolving Fund is a financial assistance program to help water systems and states to achieve the health protection objectives of the Safe Drinking Water Act. States are required to give priority for the use of Drinking Water State Revolving Fund project funds to: Address the most serious risks to human health, ensure compliance with the requirements of the Safe Drinking Water Act, and assist systems most in need on a per household basis according to state affordability criteria. Not all drinking water compliance problems, however, can be solved through capital financing of infrastructure improvements. Under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, 49 percent of funds shall be eligible to be grants or 100 percent principal forgiveness loans. States/Territories, Cities, Tribes, Utilities
Environmental Protection Agency State and Tribal Assistance GrantsWaterDrinking Water State Revolving Fund Emerging Contaminants (incl. PFAS) Water State Revolving Fund funding as described in the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund program, with eligible projects limited to those that address emerging contaminants, such as PFAS. States/Territories, Cities, Tribes, Utilities, Other Entities
Environmental Protection Agency State and Tribal Assistance GrantsWaterDrinking Water State Revolving Fund Lead Service Lines Replacement Water State Revolving Fund funding as described in the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund program, below, with eligible projects limited to lead service line replacement and associated activities related to identification, planning, design and removal. Under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, 49 percent of funds shall be eligible to be grants or 100 percent principal forgiveness loans. States/Territories, Cities, Tribes, Utilities, Other Entities
Department of the Interior, United States Geological Survey - Surveys, Investigations & ResearchClean Energy and PowerEarth Mapping Resources Initiative accelerate the U.S. Geological Survey mapping mission by providing integrated topographic, geologic, geochemical, and geophysical mapping; accelerating the integration and consolidation of geospatial and resource data; and providing an interpretation of both critical mineral resources still in the ground and critical mineral resources that may be reprocessed from legacy mine wastes. States/Territories, Private Sector Businesses, Other Entities
Department of Energy, Energy Efficiency and Renewable EnergyElectric Vehicles, Buses and FerriesElectric Drive Vehicle Battery Recycling And 2nd Life Apps expand an existing program at Department of Energy for research, development, and demonstration of electric vehicle battery recycling and second-life applications for vehicle batteries. Federal Agencies, States/Territories, Counties, Cities, Non-Profit Agencies, Higher Education Institutions, Private Sector Businesses
Department of Transportation Pipeline and Hazardous MaterialsResilienceEmergency Preparedness Grants Hazardous Materials Grants Program is comprised of the following grants: Hazardous Materials Emergency Preparedness; Assistance for Local Emergency Response Training; Hazardous Materials Instructor Training; and Supplemental Public Sector Training. Program also includes the publication of the Hazardous Materials Emergency Response Guidebook and other outreach and training. States/Territories, Counties, Cities, Tribes, Non-Profit Agencies, Private Sector Businesses, Other Entities
Department of TransportationTransportationEmergency ReliefNo detailed description available. Federal Agencies, Other Entities
Department of TransportationTransportationEmergency Technology Research Pilot ProgramNo detailed description available. Federal Agencies, Other Entities
Department of Energy Energy Efficiency and Renewable EnergyClean Energy and PowerEnergy Auditor Training Grant Program provide grants to eligible States to train individuals to conduct energy audits or surveys of commercial and residential buildings to build the clean energy workforce, save customers money on their energy bills, and reduce pollution from building energy use. States/Territories
Department of Energy Energy Efficiency and Renewable EnergyClean Energy and PowerEnergy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Program assist states, local governments, and Tribes to reduce energy use, reduce fossil fuel emissions, and improve energy efficiency. States/Territories, Counties, Cities, Tribes
Department of Energy Energy Efficiency and Renewable EnergyClean Energy and PowerEnergy Efficiency Materials Pilot Program provide grants to supply nonprofit buildings with energy-efficiency materials. Non-Profit Agencies
Department of Energy Energy Efficiency and Renewable EnergyClean Energy and PowerEnergy Efficiency Revolving Loan Fund Capitalization Grant Program provide capitalization grants to States to establish a revolving loan fund under which the State shall provide loans and grants for energy efficiency audits, upgrades, and retrofits to increase energy efficiency and improve the comfort of buildings. States/Territories
Department of Energy Energy Efficiency and Renewable EnergyClean Energy and PowerEnergy Efficient Transformer Rebates provide rebates to industrial or manufacturing facility owners, commercial building owners, multifamily building owners, utilities, or energy service companies for the replacement of a qualified energy inefficient transformer with a qualified energy efficient transformer. Utilities, Private Sector Businesses, Other Entities
Department of Energy Energy Efficiency and Renewable EnergyClean Energy and PowerEnergy Improvement in Rural and Remote Areas provide financial assistance to increase environmental protection from the impacts of energy use and improve resilience, reliability, safety, and availability of energy in rural or remote areas of the United States. States/Territories, Counties, Cities, Tribes, Utilities, Non-Profit Agencies, Higher Education Institutions, Private Sector Businesses, Other Entities
Department of Energy Cybersecurity, Energy Security and Emergency ResponseBroadband & CybersecurityEnergy Sector Operational Support for Cyber Resilience Program support a program to build energy sector operational support for cyber resilience. Utilities, Other Entities
Department of Energy Office of Clean Energy DemonstrationsClean Energy and PowerEnergy Storage Demonstration Pilot Grant Program enter into agreements to carry out 3 energy storage system demonstration projects. States/Territories, Counties, Cities, Tribes, Utilities, Higher Education Institutions, Private Sector Businesses, Other Entities
Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology Infrastructure Investment and Jobs ActResilienceExplosives Threat Assessment program researches and identifies current and potential explosive threats to understand the risk posed to the United States, strengthens aviation security by bolstering the international aviation security system, improves security processes and technologies and encourages partnerships with industry. Higher Education Institutions, Private Sector Businesses, Other Entities
Department of Energy Office of Clean Energy DemonstrationsClean Energy and PowerExtended Product System Rebates provide rebates for qualified extended product systems (i.e., electric motor, electronic control, and driven load). Private Sector Businesses, Other Entities
Department of Transportation Federal Aviation AdministrationAirports and FAA FacilitiesFacilities and Equipment Aviation Administration sustainment work and facilities replacements are for replacing Federal Aviation Administration-owned terminal and route air traffic control facilities; improvement of air route and terminal facilities; workplace safety and environmental standards compliance; Federal Aviation Administration-owned fuel storage tank replacement and management; unstaffed infrastructure sustainment; real property disposition; electrical power system sustain and support; energy maintenance and compliance; hazardous materials management and environmental cleanup; facility security risk management; mobile asset management program; and administrative expenses, including salaries and expenses, administration, and oversight. Private Sector Businesses
Department of Transportation, Federal Railroad AdministrationPassenger and Freight RailFederal and State Partnership Grants and State Partnership Grants To Be Determined
Department of Transportation, Federal Highway AdministrationRoads, Bridges and Major ProjectsFederal Lands Access Program Federal Lands Access Program invests in the Nation’s infrastructure by funding and supporting transportation facilities owned by State, county, local, and Tribal governments, which provide access to lands owned and operated by the Federal Government. States/Territories
Department of Transportation, Federal Highway AdministrationRoads, Bridges and Major ProjectsFederal Lands Transportation Program (For other Federal Land Management Agencies) Federal Lands Transportation Program invests in the Nation’s infrastructure and supports critical transportation needs within the country’s transportation network by providing access within the national parks, forests, wildlife refuges, recreation areas, and other Federal public lands. Federal Agencies
Department of Transportation, Federal Highway AdministrationRoads, Bridges and Major ProjectsFederal Lands Transportation Program (Funding for U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service)The Federal Lands Transportation Program invests in the Nation’s infrastructure and supports critical transportation needs within the country’s transportation network by providing access within the national parks, forests, wildlife refuges, recreation areas, and other Federal public lands. Federal Agencies, Other Entities
Department of Transportation, Federal Highway AdministrationRoads, Bridges and Major ProjectsFederal Lands Transportation Program (Funding for U.S. Forest Service)The Federal Lands Transportation Program invests in the Nation’s infrastructure and supports critical transportation needs within the country’s transportation network by providing access within the national parks, forests, wildlife refuges, recreation areas, and other Federal public lands. Federal Agencies, To Be Determined
Department of Transportation, Federal Highway AdministrationRoads, Bridges and Major ProjectsFederal Lands Transportation Program (funds for National Park Service)The Federal Lands Transportation Program invests in the Nation’s infrastructure and supports critical transportation needs within the country’s transportation network by providing access within the national parks, forests, wildlife refuges, recreation areas, and other Federal public lands. Federal Agencies, Other Entities
Department of Transportation Federal Railroad AdministrationPassenger and Freight RailFederal-State Partnership for Intercity Passenger Rail Grants fund capital projects that reduce the state of good repair backlog, improve performance, or expand or establish new intercity passenger rail service, including privately operated intercity passenger rail service if an eligible applicant is involved. States/Territories, Counties, Cities, Tribes, Amtrak
Department of Transportation, Federal Highway AdministrationRoads, Bridges and Major ProjectsFHWA Administrative Expenses – Highway Use Tax Evasion ProjectsThe Highway Use Tax Evasion Projects program provides funding to the Internal Revenue Service and the States to carry out intergovernmental enforcement efforts, along with training and research, to reduce evasion of payment of motor fuel and other highway use taxes, which are the principal sources for Federal and State highway funding. Federal Agencies, States/Territories
Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology / Infrastructure Investment and Jobs ActResilienceFirst Responder Capability program develops and transitions technologies, information, procedures, and concept of operations to aid first responders, emergency managers, and incident commanders as they respond to hazardous situations. It assists emergency response communities through test and assessment of technologies for usability and seeks to transition viable solutions to the commercial marketplace to help make them available across all first responder communities. Higher Education Institutions, Private Sector Businesses, Other Entities
Department of Commerce, National Telecommunications and Information AdministrationResilienceFlood and Inundation Mapping and Forecasting, Water Modeling, and Precipitation StudiesThe National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration will transform water prediction by delivering operational, continental-scale coastal and inland flood models and mapping capabilities. These capabilities include flood forecasts and projections that will provide actionable decision support services equitably delivered to communities across the nation. States/Territories, Counties, Cities, Tribes, Special Districts, Non-Profit Agencies, Higher Education Institutions
Department of Defense – Army Corps of Engineers - Flood Control and Coastal EmergenciesResilienceFlood Control and Coastal EmergenciesFunds Corps of Engineers preparedness measures, certain Corps of Engineers operations during a flood, hurricane, or other natural disaster, and the repair of certain projects following such a natural disaster. Federal Agencies, To Be Determined
Department of Homeland Security—Federal Emergency Management Agency - National Flood Insurance FundClimate, Energy & EnvironmentFlood Mitigation Assistance Grants (National Flood Insurance Act Sec 1366) Flood Mitigation Assistance program makes federal funds available to states, U.S. territories, federally recognized Tribal governments, and local communities to reduce or eliminate the risk of repetitive flood damage to buildings and structures. States/Territories, Counties, Cities, Tribes
Department of Defense – Army Corps of Engineers InvestigationsResilienceFlood Plain Management ServicesThe Army Corps provides site-specific flood and flood plain data and assistance to States, Tribes, and local communities Federal Agencies, States/Territories, Counties, Cities, Tribes, To Be Determined
Department of Energy Fossil Energy and Carbon ManagementClean Energy and PowerFour Regional Clean Direct Air Capture Hubs establish a program under which the Secretary shall provide funding for eligible projects that contribute to the development of 4 regional direct air capture hubs. Private Sector Businesses
Department of Energy Fossil Energy and Carbon ManagementDepartment of Energy Fossil Energy and Carbon ManagementFront-End Engineering and Design Program Out Activities Under Carbon Capture Tech Program 962 Of EPA (Sec 40303) the Department of Energy’s Carbon Capture Technology program to include a program for carbon dioxide transport infrastructure necessary to deploy Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage technologies. Private Sector Businesses
Department of Transportation Federal Transit AdministrationPublic TransportationFTA 5303 Program – Pilot Program for Transit Oriented Development Pilot Program for Transit Oriented Development Planning is a discretionary grant program that helps support Federal Transit Administration’s mission of improving public transportation for America’s communities by providing funding to local communities to integrate land use and transportation planning with a new fixed guideway or core capacity transit capital investment. States/Territories, Counties, Cities, Transit Agencies
Department of Transportation Federal Transit AdministrationPublic TransportationFTA 5305 Program – Metropolitan Transportation Program Metropolitan Planning Program are available to carry out the metropolitan transportation planning process and meet the transportation planning requirements of the joint Federal Transit Administration and Federal Highway Administration planning regulations. States/Territories, MPOs
Department of Transportation Federal Transit AdministrationPublic TransportationFTA 5305 Program – Statewide Transportation Planning statewide planning and research program is a source of Federal financial assistance to the states to meet the planning requirements of the joint Federal Transit Administration and Federal Highway Administration planning regulations for statewide transportation planning. States/Territories, MPOs
Department of Transportation Federal Transit AdministrationPublic TransportationFTA 5307 Program – Urbanized Area Formula Grants Urbanized Area Formula Funding program (49 U.S.C. 5307) makes federal resources available to urbanized areas and to governors for transit capital and operating assistance in urbanized areas and for transportation-related planning. An urbanized area is an incorporated area with a population of 50,000 or more that is designated as such by the U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. Operating expenses are only eligible for urbanized areas under 200,000 in population or recipients with 100 or fewer buses. Funds are also provided to states for state safety oversight activities. States/Territories, Counties, Cities, Tribes, Transit Agencies, Other Entities
Department of Transportation Federal Transit AdministrationPublic TransportationFTA 5309 Program – Capital Investment Grants Federal Transit Administration discretionary grant program funds transit capital investments, including heavy rail, commuter rail, light rail, streetcars, and bus rapid transit. Federal transit law requires transit agencies seeking Capital Investment Grants funding to complete a series of steps over several years. The law also requires projects to be rated by Federal Transit Administration at various points in the process according to statutory criteria evaluating project justification and local financial commitment. States/Territories, Counties, Cities, Transit Agencies
Department of TransportationTransportationFTA 5310 Program – Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities provide financial assistance in meeting the transportation needs of seniors and individuals with disabilities where public transportation services are unavailable, insufficient or inappropriate. The Section 5310 program is designed to supplement FTA's other capital assistance programs by funding transportation projects for seniors and individuals with disabilities in all areas - large urban, small urban, and rural. States/Territories, Counties, Cities, Tribes, Transit Agencies, Non-Profit Agencies, Other Entities
Federal Transit AdministrationPublic TransportationFTA 5310 Program – Pilot Program for Innovative Coordinated Access and Mobility program to improve coordinated access and mobility States/Territories, Counties, Cities, Tribes, Transit Agencies, Non-Profit Agencies
Federal Transit AdministrationPublic TransportationFTA 5311 Program – Formula Grants for Rural Areas improve, initiate, or continue public transportation service in nonurbanized areas (rural areas and small cities under 50,000 in population) and to provide technical assistance for rural transportation providers. The Section 5311 program supports both the maintenance of existing public transportation services and the expansion of those services through the following program goals: enhancing access in rural areas to health care, shopping, education, employment, public services, and recreation; assisting in the maintenance, development, improvement, and use of public transportation systems in rural areas; encouraging and facilitating the most efficient use of all transportation funds used to provide passenger transportation in rural areas through the coordination of programs and services; providing financial assistance to help carry out national goals related to mobility for all, including seniors, individuals with disabilities, and low-income individuals; increasing availability of transportation options through investments in intercity bus services; assisting in the development and support of intercity bus transportation; encouraging mobility management, employment-related transportation alternatives, joint development practices, and transit-oriented development; and providing for the participation of private transportation providers in rural public transportation. The Public Transportation on Indian Reservations Program is a set-aside from the Formula Grants for Rural Areas program that consists of both a formula and competitive grant program for federally recognized Indian tribes or Alaska Native villages, groups or communities in rural areas. States/Territories, Counties, Cities, Tribes, Non-Profit Agencies, Private Sector Businesses, Other Entities
Federal Transit AdministrationPublic TransportationFTA 5311 Program – National Rural Transportation Assistance Program state Rural Transportation Assistance Program and develops information resources, technical assistance, and training about rural public transportation. Non-Profit Agencies, Higher Education Institutions
Federal Transit AdministrationPublic TransportationFTA 5311 Program – Rural Transportation Assistance Program funding to states for transportation research, technical assistance, training, and related support services in rural areas. States/Territories
Department of Transportation Federal Transit AdministrationElectric Vehicles, Buses and FerriesFTA 5312 Program – Low or No Emission Vehicle Component Assessment ProgramThe Federal Transit Administration will provide funds to two qualified institutions of higher education to conduct testing, evaluation, and analysis of low or no emission components intended for use in low- and zero emission buses used to provide public transportation. The Low and No-Emission Component Assessment Program (LoNO-CAP) is intended to test items that are separately installed in and removable from a low or no emission transit bus. Higher Education Institutions
Department of TransportationTransportationFTA 5312 Program – Research, Development, Demonstration and Deployment Projects (Less Set Aside) funding to assist innovative projects and activities that advance and sustain safe, efficient, equitable, climate-friendly public transportation. Eligible research and demonstrations under this program explore novel approaches to improve public transportation service – especially for transit-dependent individuals; advance vehicle and system technologies for safety, energy efficiency, and operational performance; use data for enhanced insights; and undertake other activities that help transit agencies meet equity, safety, climate change and transformation goals for a safer, environmentally cleaner, socially just and connected public transportation system. States/Territories, Counties, Cities, Tribes, Special Districts, Transit Agencies, Higher Education Institutions, Private Sector Businesses
Federal Transit AdministrationPublic TransportationFTA 5314 Program – Public Transportation Technical Assistance and Workforce Development funding to support workforce development and transition, including in relation to zero-emission fleet conversion, and other technical assistance to support transit providers in enhancing safe, efficient, equitable and climate-friendly public transportation. Additionally, the program supports the development of standards for the public transportation industry. Non-Profit Agencies
Federal Transit AdministrationPublic TransportationFTA 5337 Program – Rail Vehicle Replacement Grants projects for the replacement of rail rolling stock. Not more than three new competitive awards to eligible projects may be announced each fiscal year. FTA may select projects for multi-year awards. States/Territories, Counties, Cities, Transit Agencies
Federal Transit AdministrationPublic TransportationFTA 5337 Program – State of Good Repair Formula Grants assist in funding capital projects for existing fixed guideway systems (including rail, bus rapid transit, and passenger ferries) and high intensity motorbus systems (buses operating in high-occupancy vehicle lanes) to maintain public transportation systems in a state of good repair and to ensure public transit operates safely, efficiently, reliably, and sustainably so that communities can offer balanced transportation choices that helps to improve mobility, reduce congestion, and encourage economic development. States/Territories, Counties, Cities, Tribes, Transit Agencies, Other Entities
Federal Transit AdministrationPublic TransportationFTA 5339(a) Program – Bus and Bus Facilities Formula Grants capital funding to replace, rehabilitate, purchase, or lease buses and bus related equipment and to rehabilitate, purchase, construct, or lease bus-related facilities. States/Territories, Counties, Cities, Tribes, Transit Agencies
Department of TransportationTransportationFTA 5339(b) Program – Bus and Bus Facilities Competitive Grants capital funding to replace, rehabilitate, purchase, or lease buses and bus related equipment and to rehabilitate, purchase, construct, or lease bus-related facilities. States/Territories, Counties, Cities, Tribes, Special Districts, Transit Agencies
Federal Transit AdministrationPublic TransportationFTA 5339(c) Program – Low or No Emission (Bus) Grants capital funding to replace, rehabilitate, purchase, or lease buses and bus related equipment and to rehabilitate, purchase, construct, or lease bus-related facilities. Provides capital funding for low or no emissions bus projects. States/Territories, Counties, Cities, Tribes, Special Districts, Transit Agencies
Federal Transit AdministrationPublic TransportationFTA 5340 Program – Growing State ApportionmentsAn additional formula funding component that is then added to either the 5307 or 5311 formula funding. States/Territories, Counties, Cities, Tribes, Transit Agencies, Other Entities
Federal Transit AdministrationPublic TransportationFTA 5340 Program – Growing States and High-Density States FormulaAn additional formula funding component that is then added to either the 5307 or 5311 formula funding. States/Territories, Counties, Cities, Tribes, Transit Agencies, Other Entities
Department of Energy Energy Efficiency and Renewable EnergyClean Energy and PowerGeothermal Research & Development support a program of research, development, demonstration, and commercial application for enhanced geothermal systems. Higher Education Institutions, Other Entities
Department of Energy Energy Efficiency and Renewable EnergyClean Energy and PowerGrants for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Improvements at Public School Facilities provide competitive grants to make energy efficiency, renewable energy, and alternative fueled vehicle upgrades and improvements at public schools. Non-Profit Agencies, Higher Education Institutions, Private Sector Businesses, Other Entities
Department of Homeland Security—Federal Emergency Management AgencyResilienceHazard Mitigation Revolving Loan Funds/Safeguarding Tomorrow through Ongoing Risk Mitigation (STORM) Act (Robert T Stafford Act, Sec 205) grants to state and eligible Tribal governments for the establishment revolving loan funds to provide hazard mitigation assistance to local governments.States/Territories, Tribes
Department of TransportationTransportationHigh Priority Activities Program High Priority Activities grant program is a discretionary (competitive) grant program designed to provide Federal financial assistance to enhance states’ commercial vehicle safety plan activities, including commercial vehicle inspections, traffic enforcement, and outreach while supporting innovative technology development and/or new project(s) not included in the commercial vehicle safety plan that will have a positive impact on commercial vehicle safety. Other applicants, such as academia and safety associations are also eligible for these grants that improve safety. Overall this grant supports safety programs and innovative technology deployment with a goal of increasing efficiency improvements in exchanging commercial vehicle safety data. States/Territories, Counties, Cities, Tribes
Department of TransportationTransportationHigh-Visibility EnforcementTo carry out national traffic safety campaigns to reduce alcohol-impaired or drug-impaired driving and to increase the use of seatbelts. Federal Agencies, Other Entities
Department of TransportationTransportationHighway Safety Improvement Program Highway Safety Improvement Program provides States with critical safety funding that is used to save lives and prevent serious injuries on all public roads. The Highway Safety Improvement Program is based on a performance-driven process that identifies and analyzes highway safety problems and advances highway safety improvement projects that have the greatest potential to reduce fatalities and serious injuries. States/Territories
Department of TransportationTransportationHighway Safety Programs 402 funds are authorized by Congress and are available to the 50 States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the U. S. Territories and the Bureau of Indian Affairs. These funds are apportioned using statutory apportionment formula. These funds are provided to the State and Territorial Highway Safety Offices based on an approved highway safety plan that details problem identification, performance measures, countermeasures and projects using identified countermeasures to help reduce crashes, injuries and fatalities resulting from motor vehicle crashes. States/Territories, Other Entities
Department of TransportationTransportationHighway Safety Research & Development and development activities with respect to (1) highway and traffic safety systems and conditions, (2) human behavioral factors and their effect on highway and traffic safety, (3) evaluation of the effectiveness of countermeasures to increase highway and traffic safety, (4) development of technologies to detect drug impaired drivers, (5) driver education programs, State laws on highway and traffic safety; Cooperative research and evaluation to research and evaluate priority highway safety countermeasures; Collaborative research on in-vehicle technology to prevent alcohol-impaired driving; Education campaign to reduce incidence of vehicular heatstroke of children; Grant program to develop and implement State processes for informing consumers of recalls; and Evaluation of innovative highway safety countermeasures. States/Territories, Counties, Cities, Tribes, Special Districts, Transit Agencies, Non-Profit Agencies, Higher Education Institutions, Private Sector Businesses
Department of EnergyClimate, Energy & EnvironmentHydropower Research, Development, and Demonstration fund research, development, and demonstration activities to improve hydropower technologies. Private Sector Businesses, Other Entities
Department of EnergyClimate, Energy & EnvironmentIndustrial Emission Demonstration Projects fund demonstration projects that test and validate technologies that reduce industrial emissions. States/Territories, Counties, Cities, Higher Education Institutions, Private Sector Businesses, Other Entities
Department of EnergyClimate, Energy & EnvironmentIndustrial Research and Assessment Center Implementation Grants fund upgrades for small- and medium-sized manufacturers that have been recommended in an assessment from an Industrial Assessment Center or Combined Heat and Power Technical Assistance Partnership. Private Sector Businesses
Department of EnergyClimate, Energy & EnvironmentIndustrial Research and Assessment Centers provide funding for institutions of higher education-based industrial research and assessment centers to identify opportunities for optimizing energy efficiency and environmental performance at manufacturing and other industrial facilities. Higher Education Institutions, Other Entities
Department of Defense – Army Corps of EngineersClimate, Energy & EnvironmentInland Flood Risk Management ProjectsThis program funds the construction of projects that help to reduce the risk of damage in a flood, including $750 million for multi-purpose projects or programs that include flood risk management benefits as a purpose. Federal Agencies, To Be Determined
Department of TransportationTransportationIntelligent Transportation Systems Program Intelligent Transportation Systems Program fosters innovation in transportation through the deployment of technology to enhance safety and efficiency while reducing environmental impacts of surface transportation, resulting in improved access and convenience, saved lives and time, and increased productivity. To Be Determined
Department of Energy Energy Efficiency and Renewable EnergyClean Energy and PowerLithium-Ion Recycling Prize provide a prize for recycling of lithium ion batteries and convene a task force on battery producer requirements. To Be Determined
Department of Transportation Office of the SecretaryRoads, Bridges and Major ProjectsLocal and Regional Project Assistance Grants (RAISE) RAISE program provides supplemental funding for grants to the State and local entities listed above on a competitive basis for projects that will have a significant local/regional impact. States/Territories, Counties, Cities, Tribes, Special Districts, Amtrak, Transit Agencies
Department of Energy, Office of Clean Energy DemonstrationsClean Energy and PowerLong-Duration Energy Storage Demonstration Initiative and Joint Program establish a demonstration initiative composed of demonstration projects focused on the development of long-duration energy storage technologies. States/Territories, Counties, Cities, Tribes, Utilities, Higher Education Institutions, Private Sector Businesses, Other Entities
Department of Health and Human Services Administration for Children and FamiliesOtherLow Income Home Energy Assistance Program Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program assists eligible low-income households with their heating and cooling energy costs, bill payment assistance, energy crisis assistance, weatherization and energy-related home repairs States/Territories, Tribes
Department of Energy Energy Efficiency and Renewable EnergyOtherManufacturing Leadership (Sec 40534) provide funding to states to invest in smart manufacturing technologies. States/Territories
Department of Energy Energy Efficiency and Renewable EnergyClean Energy and PowerMarine Energy Research, Development, and Demonstration fund research, development, and demonstration activities to improve marine energy technologies. Private Sector Businesses, Other Entities
Department of Transportation Federal Highway AdministrationRoads, Bridges and Major ProjectsMetropolitan Planning Bipartisan Infrastructure Law continues the Metropolitan Planning Program, which establishes a cooperative, continuous, and comprehensive framework for making transportation investment decisions in metropolitan areas. Program oversight is a joint Federal Highway Administration/Federal Transit Administration responsibility. MPOs
Department of Commerce National Telecommunications and Information AdministrationBroadbandMiddle Mile Grants Program and funds a $1 billion program for the construction, improvement or acquisition of middle mile infrastructure. The purpose of the grant program is to expand and extend middle mile infrastructure to reduce the cost of connecting unserved and underserved areas to the internet backbone. Eligible applicants include States, political subdivisions of a State, Tribal governments, technology companies, electric utilities, utility cooperatives, public utility districts, telecommunications companies, telecommunications cooperatives, nonprofit foundations, nonprofit corporations, nonprofit institutions, nonprofit associations, regional planning councils, Native entities, or economic development authorities. States/Territories, Counties, Cities, Tribes, Utilities, Non-Profit Agencies, Private Sector Businesses, Other Entities
Department of Transportation Federal Motor Carrier Safety AdministrationSafetyMotor Carrier Safety Assistance Program Motor Carrier Safety Assistance Program is a Federal grant program that provides financial assistance to States to reduce the number and severity of crashes and hazardous materials incidents involving commercial motor vehicles. The goal of the Motor Carrier Safety Assistance Program is to reduce commercial motor vehicle-involved crashes, fatalities, and injuries through consistent, uniform, and effective commercial motor vehicle safety programs. The Motor Carrier Safety Assistance Program is Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s largest grant program that supports State and local law enforcement agencies to utilize over 12,000 enforcement officers to increase enforcement and safety activities nationwide. States/Territories
Department of Transportation Federal Motor Carrier Safety AdministrationSafetyMotor Carrier Safety Operations and ProgramsThe Operations and Programs account provides the necessary resources to support program and administrative activities to include salaries and benefits for motor carrier safety personnel. Federal Agencies, Other Entities
Department of Transportation Office of the SecretaryRoads, Bridges and Major ProjectsMulti-State Freight Corridor PlanningMulti-State Freight Corridor Planning To Be Determined
Department of Transportation Office of the SecretaryRoads, Bridges and Major ProjectsNational Culvert Removal, Replacement, & Restoration GrantThe Office of the Secretary's National Culvert Removal, Replacement and Restoration program provides supplemental funding for grants to a State, local government, or an Indian Tribe on a competitive basis for projects that replace, remove, and/or repair culverts or weirs. States/Territories, Counties, Cities, Tribes
Department of Homeland Security—Federal Emergency Management Agency Federal AssistanceClean Energy and PowerNational Dam Safety Program encourage the establishment and maintenance of effective state programs intended to ensure dam safety, to protect human life and property, and to improve state dam safety programs. The National Dam Safety Program is a partnership of states, federal agencies and other stakeholders to encourage and promote the establishment and maintenance of effective federal and state dam safety programs to reduce the risk to human life and property. States/Territories
Department of Transportation National Highway Traffic Safety AdministrationSafetyNational Driver Register NDR maintains the Problem Driver Pointer System (PDPS), a computerized database containing information on individuals whose privilege to operate a motor vehicle has been revoked, suspended, canceled or denied or who have been convicted of serious traffic-related offenses. Non-Profit Agencies, Private Sector Businesses
Department of Transportation Federal Highway AdministrationElectric Vehicles, Buses and FerriesNational Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Formula Program deploy electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure and establish an interconnected network to facilitate data collection, access, and reliability. Sets aside 10% of funding for discretionary grants to State and local governments that require additional assistance to strategically deploy EV charging infrastructure States/Territories
Department of the Interior United States Geological Survey Surveys, Investigations & ResearchResilienceNational Geological And Geophysical Data Preservation Program provides competitive grants to State Geological Surveys and funds projects executed by U.S. Geological Survey and other Department of the Interior bureaus, to preserve, modernize, and make publicly available, geological and geophysical data and assets. Asset Federal Agencies, States/Territories, Higher Education Institutions, Private Sector Businesses, Other Entities
Department of Transportation Office of the SecretaryRoads, Bridges and Major ProjectsNational Highway Freight Program National Highway Freight Program provides funds to the States, by formula, to improve the efficient movement of freight on the National Highway Freight Network. States/Territories
Department of TransportationTransportationNational Highway Performance Program Bipartisan Infrastructure Law continues the National Highway Performance Program. The purposes of this program are: To provide support for the condition and performance of the National Highway System; To provide support for the construction of new facilities on the National Highway System; To ensure that investments of federal-aid funds in highway construction are directed to support progress toward the achievement of performance targets established in a state's asset management plan for the National Highway System; To provide support for activities to increase the resiliency of the National Highway System to mitigate the cost of damages from sea level rise, extreme weather events, flooding, wildfires, or other natural disasters. States/Territories
Department of Transportation Office of the SecretaryRoads, Bridges and Major ProjectsNational Infrastructure Project Assistance (Megaprojects) National Infrastructure Project Assistance Program will support large, complex projects that are difficult to fund by other means and likely to generate national or regional economic, mobility, or safety benefits. States/Territories, MPOs, Counties, Cities, Tribes, Special Districts, Transit Agencies, Other Entities
Department of TransportationTransportationNational Multimodal Cooperative Freight Research ProgramNational Multimodal Cooperative Freight Research Program Federal Agencies, To Be Determined
Department of Transportation National Highway Traffic Safety AdministrationSafetyNational Priority Safety ProgramsTo encourage States to address national priorities for reducing highway deaths and injuries through occupant protection programs, state traffic safety information system improvements, impaired driving countermeasures, passage of effective laws to reduce distracted driving, implementation of motorcyclist safety programs, and non-motorist safety programs. Two new grant programs were introduced to improve roadside safety and driver and officer safety grants. States/Territories
Department of Transportation Federal Highway AdministrationRoads, Bridges and Major ProjectsNationally Significant Federal Lands and Tribal Projects Nationally Significant Federal Lands and Tribal Projects program provides funding for the construction, reconstruction, and rehabilitation of nationally-significant Federal lands transportation projects and Tribal transportation projects. Federal Agencies, States/Territories, Counties, Cities, Tribes, Other Entities
Department of Transportation Federal Highway AdministrationRoads, Bridges and Major ProjectsNationally Significant Freight & Highway Projects (INFRA) Nationally Significant Freight & Highway Projects program, also known as “INFRA”, awards competitive grants for multimodal freight and highway projects of national or regional significance to improve the safety, efficiency, and reliability of the movement of freight and people in and across rural and urban areas. Federal Agencies, States/Territories, MPOs, Counties, Cities, Tribes, Special Districts, Transit Agencies, Other Entities
Department of TransportationTransportationNationally Significant Freight & Highway Projects (INFRA) Set-aside – State Incentives Pilot Program awards competitive grants for multimodal freight and highway projects of national or regional significance to improve the safety, efficiency, and reliability of the movement of freight and people. States/Territories, MPOs, Counties, Cities, Tribes, Other Entities
Department of Transportation Pipeline and Hazardous MaterialsSafetyNatural Gas Distribution Infrastructure Safety and Modernization Grants funds will be made available to municipalities or community owned utilities (not including for-profit entities) to repair, rehabilitate, or replace natural gas distribution pipeline systems or portions thereof or to acquire equipment to reduce incidents and fatalities, and to avoid economic loss. Cities, Utilities, Non-Profit Agencies, Other Entities
Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology / Infrastructure Investment and Jobs ActCybersecurityNetwork & System Security & Investment program produces the technologies needed to secure information and software that resides on the networks and systems that make up the Internet. It provides analytic tools for the law enforcement community to investigate crimes committed in cyberspace. Higher Education Institutions, Private Sector Businesses, Other Entities
Department of Energy Energy Efficiency and Renewable EnergyClean Energy and PowerNew Solar Research & Development award financial assistance to eligible entities for research, development, demonstration, and commercialization projects to advance new solar energy manufacturing technologies and techniques. States/Territories, Tribes, Non-Profit Agencies, Higher Education Institutions, Private Sector Businesses, Other Entities
Department of Transportation Federal Highway AdministrationRoads, Bridges and Major ProjectsOn-the-Job Training Program On-the-Job Training program helps develop the capacity of the Nation’s current and future highway construction industry workforce by providing the development and diversity of skilled labor. States/Territories
Department of Transportation Office of the SecretaryResilienceOpen Challenge and Research Pilot ProgramNo detailed description available. To Be Determined
Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology / Infrastructure Investment and Jobs ActResiliencePhysical Security a layered and integrated capability to safely screen for potential threat items in unstructured crowds within soft-target venues and crowded spaces without impact to the speed of travel while maintaining individual privacy. Higher Education Institutions, Private Sector Businesses, Other Entities
Department of Defense – Army Corps of Engineers InvestigationsResiliencePlanning Assistance To StatesThe Army Corps provides planning and technical assistance to States, Tribes, and local communities to address water resource issues and related work Federal Agencies, States/Territories, Counties, Cities, Tribes, To Be Determined
Environmental Protection Agency State and Tribal Assistance GrantsResiliencePollution Prevention Grants deliver technical assistance to businesses – including those communities with environmental justice concerns – to identify and adopt source reduction practices and technologies that benefit businesses, communities, and local economies. Pollution Prevention means reducing or eliminating pollutants from entering any waste stream or otherwise being released into the environment prior to recycling, treatment, or disposal. States/Territories, Tribes
Department of Energy Fossil Energy and Carbon ManagementClean Energy and PowerPre-Commercial Direct Air Capture Prize Competitions of program to advance research, development, demonstration, and commercial application of carbon capture technologies. Private Sector Businesses
Department of EnergyClimate, Energy & EnvironmentPreventing Outages and Enhancing the Resilience of the Electric Grid Grants make grants to eligible entities, States, and Tribes to prevent outages and enhance the resilience of the electric grid. States/Territories, Tribes, Utilities, Other Entities
Department of Transportation Federal Highway AdministrationOtherPrioritization Process Pilot ProgramPilot program to support data-driven approaches to planning that can be evaluated for public benefit. States/Territories, MPOs
Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology / Infrastructure Investment and Jobs ActResilienceProbabilistic Analysis of National Threats, Hazards and Risks program addresses biological, chemical and hazard knowledge gaps to inform defensive strategies that provide accurate, useful, and defensible knowledge and tools to stakeholders in time to enable risk-informed decision-making pertinent for defense against weapons of mass destruction threats to the homeland. Higher Education Institutions, Private Sector Businesses, Other Entities
Department of Energy Office of Clean Energy DemonstrationsClean Energy and PowerProgram Upgrading Our Electric Grid and Ensuring Reliability and Resiliency provide federal financial assistance to demonstrate innovative approaches to transmission, storage, and distribution infrastructure to harden and enhance resilience and reliability; and to demonstrate new approaches to enhance regional grid resilience. States/Territories, Counties, Cities, Tribes, Utilities
Department of Transportation Federal Highway AdministrationResiliencePromoting Resilient Operations for Transformative, Efficient, and Cost-Saving Transportation (PROTECT) – DiscretionaryPROTECT Grants will support planning, resilience improvements, community resilience and evacuation routes, and at-risk coastal infrastructure. Federal Agencies, States/Territories, MPOs, Counties, Cities, Tribes, Transit Agencies, Other Entities
Department of Transportation Federal Highway AdministrationResiliencePromoting Resilient Operations for Transformative, Efficient, and Cost-Saving Transportation (PROTECT) – FormulaThe PROTECT Formula Program will support planning, resilience improvements, community resilience and evacuation routes, and at-risk coastal infrastructure. States/Territories
Department of Energy Energy Efficiency and Renewable EnergyClean Energy and PowerPumped Storage Hydropower Wind and Solar Integration and System Reliability Initiative provide financial assistance to eligible entities to carry out project design, transmission studies, power market assessments, and permitting for a pumped storage hydropower project to facilitate the long-duration storage of intermittent renewable electricity. States/Territories, Tribes, Utilities, Higher Education Institutions, Private Sector Businesses
Department of TransportationOtherRacial Profiling Data Collection GrantsTo encourage States to collect and make publicly available data on the race and ethnicity of drivers during law enforcement stops on public roadways. States/Territories
Department of TransportationTransportationRailroad Crossing Elimination Program provide funds for the mitigation or elimination of hazards at railway-highway crossings. States/Territories, MPOs, Counties, Cities, Tribes, Other Entities
Department of TransportationTransportationRailway-Highway Crossings Program Railway-Highway Crossings program supports projects with the goal of reducing the number of fatalities, injuries, and crashes at public railway-highway grade crossings. States/Territories
Department of EnergyClimate, Energy & EnvironmentRare Earth Elements Demonstration Facility demonstrate the feasibility of a full-scale integrated rare earth element extraction and separation facility and refinery. Private Sector Businesses
Department of EnergyClimate, Energy & EnvironmentRare Earth Security Activities conduct a program of research and development to improve the security of rare earth elements. Private Sector Businesses
Department of Transportation Federal Highway AdministrationRoads, Bridges and Major ProjectsReconnecting Communities Pilot Program Communities Pilot Program will restore community connectivity by removing, retrofitting, or mitigating highways or other transportation facilities that create barriers to community connectivity, including to mobility, access, or economic development States/Territories, Counties, Cities, Tribes, Transit Agencies
Environmental Protection Agency State and Tribal Assistance GrantsOtherReduce, Reuse, Recycling Education and Outreach Grants across the country are burdened by pollution impacts from inefficient waste management systems. This historic investment will transform public education and outreach regarding how to reduce, reuse, and recycle right. States/Territories, Counties, Cities, Tribes, Non-Profit Agencies, Private Sector Businesses, Other Entities
Department of Energy Office of Clean Energy DemonstrationsClean Energy and PowerRegional Clean Hydrogen Hubs support the development of at least 4 regional clean hydrogen hubs to improve clean hydrogen production, processing, delivery, storage, and end use. Federal Agencies, Utilities, Non-Profit Agencies, Private Sector Businesses, Other Entities
Department of Defense – Army Corps of Engineers RegulatoryResilienceRegulatory ProgramProvides funds to administer the laws and regulations pertaining to activities affecting U.S. waters, including wetlands, in accordance with the Rivers and Harbors Appropriation Act of 1899, the Clean Water Act of 1972, and the Marine Protection, Research and Sanctuaries Act of 1972. Additionally, it reviews and processes permit applications, ensure compliance on permitted sites, and protect important aquatic resources Federal Agencies, To Be Determined
Department of Homeland Security—Federal Emergency Management Agency - Federal AssistanceClean Energy and PowerRehabilitation of High Hazard Potential Dams Rehabilitation of High Hazard Potential Dams Grant Program makes available federal funds to eligible states for pass through to non-federal governmental organizations or nonprofit organizations for the rehabilitation of dams that fail to meet m States/Territories
Department of Transportation Federal Railroad AdministrationPassenger and Freight RailRestoration & Enhancement Grant Program provide operating assistance to initiate, restore, or enhance intercity passenger rail service. Key Changes: New priority to applications for routes selected under the Corridor Identification and Development Program and operated by Amtrak. Grants may provide operating assistance for up to six years, and may not exceed: 90 percent of the projected net operating costs for the first year of service; 80 percent of the projected net operating costs for the second year of service; 70 percent of the projected net operating costs for the third year of service; 60 percent of the projected net operating costs for the fourth year of service; 50 percent of the projected net operating costs for the fifth year of service; and 30 percent of the projected net operating costs for the sixth year of service. States/Territories, Counties, Cities, Tribes, Amtrak, Transit Agencies, Private Sector Businesses
Department of Energy Cybersecurity, Energy Security, and Emergency ResponseBroadband & CybersecurityRural And Municipal Utility Advances Cybersecurity Grant And Technical Assistance Program provide grants and technical assistance to, and enter into cooperative agreements with, eligible entities to protect against, detect, respond to, and recover from cybersecurity threats. States/Territories, Cities, Utilities, Private Sector Businesses
Department of Transportation Federal Highway AdministrationRoads, Bridges and Major ProjectsRural Surface Transportation Grant Program Surface Transportation Grant Program will support projects to improve and expand the surface transportation infrastructure in rural areas to increase connectivity, improve the safety and reliability of the movement of people and freight, and generate regional economic growth and improve quality of life. States/Territories, Counties, Cities, Tribes, Other Entities
Department of Transportation Office of the SecretarySafetySafe Streets and Roads for All Office of the Secretary's Safe Streets and Roads for All Grant program provides supplemental funding to support local initiatives to prevent death and serious injury on roads and streets, commonly referred to as ‘‘Vision Zero’’ or ‘‘Toward Zero Deaths’’ initiatives. MPOs, Counties, Cities, Tribes, Special Districts, Transit Agencies
Department of Transportation Federal Highway AdministrationSafetySafety-Related Activities (Set-aside) set-aside is for transportation safety outreach, training, and education. States/Territories
Department of Energy Enegy Efficiency and Renewal EnergyClean Energy and PowerSolar Improvement Research & Development fund research, development, demonstration, and commercialization activities to improve solar energy technologies. States/Territories, Tribes, Non-Profit Agencies, Higher Education Institutions, Private Sector Businesses, Other Entities
Department of Energy Energy Efficiency and Renewal EnergyClean Energy and PowerSolar Recycling Research & Development award financial assistance to eligible entities for research, development, demonstration, and commercialization projects to create innovative and practical approaches to increase the reuse and recycling of solar energy technologies. States/Territories, Tribes, Non-Profit Agencies, Higher Education Institutions, Private Sector Businesses, Other Entities
Environmental Protection Agency State and Tribal Assistance GrantsOtherSolid Waste Infrastructure for Recycling Infrastructure Grants across the country are burdened by pollution impacts from inefficient waste management systems. This historic investment will transform recycling and solid waste management across the country while creating jobs. States/Territories, Counties, Cities, Tribes
Department of Homeland Security Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security AgencyBroadband & CybersecurityState and Local Cybersecurity Grant Program State and Local Cybersecurity Grant Program makes available federal funds to state, local, and Tribal governments to address cybersecurity risks and cybersecurity threats to information systems that they own or operate. States/Territories, Tribes
Department of Commerce National Telecommunications and Information AdministrationBroadband & CybersecurityState Digital Equity Capacity Grant part of the Digital Equity Act programs, $2.75 billion was dedicated to establish three grant programs that promote digital inclusion and equity to ensure that all individuals and communities have the skills, technology, and capacity needed to reap the full benefits of our digital economy. The goal of these programs is to promote the meaningful adoption and use of broadband services across the targeted populations in the Act, including low-income households, aging populations, incarcerated individuals, veterans, individuals with disabilities, individuals with a language barrier, racial and ethnic minorities, and rural inhabitants. The State Digital Equity Capacity Grant Program dedicates $1.44 billion formula grant program for States, Territories, Tribal governments, Alaska Native entities, Native Hawaiian organizations distributed via annual grant programs over five years to implement digital equity projects and support the implementation of digital equity plans. States/Territories
Department of Commerce National Telecommunications and Information AdministrationBroadband & CybersecurityState Digital Equity Competitive Grant part of the Digital Equity Act programs, $2.75 billion was dedicated to establish three grant programs that promote digital inclusion and equity to ensure that all individuals and communities have the skills, technology, and capacity needed to reap the full benefits of our digital economy. The goal of these programs is to promote the meaningful adoption and use of broadband services across the targeted populations in the Act, including low-income households, aging populations, incarcerated individuals, veterans, individuals with disabilities, individuals with a language barrier, racial and ethnic minorities, and rural inhabitants. The Digital Equity Competitive Grant Program is a $1.25 billion discretionary grant program distributed vial annual grant programs over five years to implement digital equity projects. Eligible applicants include specific types of political subdivision, agency, or instrumentality of a state; Tribal governments; nonprofit entities; community anchor institutions; local educational agencies; and entities that carry out workforce development programs. States/Territories, Counties, Cities, Tribes, Non-Profit Agencies, Higher Education Institutions, Other Entities
Department of Commerce National Telecommunications and Information AdministrationBroadband & CybersecurityState Digital Equity Planning Grant part of the Digital Equity Act programs, $2.75 billion was dedicated to establish three grant programs that promote digital inclusion and equity to ensure that all individuals and communities have the skills, technology, and capacity needed to reap the full benefits of our digital economy. The goal of these programs is to promote the meaningful adoption and use of broadband services across the targeted populations in the Act, including low-income households, aging populations, incarcerated individuals, veterans, individuals with disabilities, individuals with a language barrier, racial and ethnic minorities, and rural inhabitants. The State Digital Equity Planning Grant Program is a $60 million formula grant program for states and territories to develop digital equity plans. States/Territories
Department of Energy Energy Efficiency and Renewable EnergyClean Energy and PowerState Energy Program provide funding to states to support electric transmission and distribution planning as well as planning activities and programs that help reduce carbon emissions in all sectors of the economy, including the transportation sector and accelerate the use of alternative transportation fuels and vehicle electrification. States/Territories
Department of Transportation Office of the SecretaryPublic TransportationStrengthening Mobility and Revolutionizing Transportation (SMART) GrantsThe Office of the Secretary's Strengthening Mobility and Revolutionizing Transportation Grant program provides supplemental funding grants to rural, midsized, and large communities to conduct demonstration projects focused on advanced smart city or community technologies and systems in a variety of communities to improve transportation efficiency and safety. States/Territories, MPOs, Counties, Cities, Tribes, Transit Agencies, Other Entities
Department of Transportation Federal Highway AdministrationRoads, Bridges and Major ProjectsSurface Transportation Block Grant Program Surface Transportation Block Grant Program promotes flexibility in state and local transportation decisions and provides flexible funding to best address state and local transportation needs. States/Territories
Department of Transportation Federal Highway AdministrationOtherTraining & Education Training and Education Program provides resources for the development and delivery of technical assistance, training, professional development, and education programs to improve the professional capacity of the workforce that manages, develops and maintains the Nation’s highway system. To Be Determined
Department of ElectricityClean Energy and PowerTransmission Facilitation Program facilitate the construction of electric power transmission lines and related facilities to enable greater clean energy growth and provide low-cost clean energy to more Americans. Private Sector Businesses, Other Entities
Department of Transportation Federal Highway AdministrationRoads, Bridges and Major ProjectsTransportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act Program provides Federal credit assistance to eligible surface transportation projects. States/Territories, Counties, Cities, Transit Agencies, Private Sector Businesses
Department of the Interior - Bureau of ReclamationWaterWater & Groundwater Storage, And Conveyance Storage, Groundwater Storage, and Conveyance projects with existing feasibility study or construction authorization are eligible for funding. The project must be found feasible and with benefits proportionate to federal investment. Small Water Storage and Groundwater Storage Projects are defined in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law as projects that have storage capacity between 2,000 acre-feet and 30,000 acre-feet and increase surface water or groundwater storage or convey water, directly or indirectly, to or from surface water or groundwater storage. Funding will be provided through a combination of internal formulation and competitive grant processes, and non-Federal project sponsors in Reclamation States, including Alaska and Hawaii are eligible. States/Territories, Counties, Cities
Department of Defense – Army Corps of Engineers Water Infrastructure Finance and InnovationResilienceWater Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Program Account credit program to provide credit assistance to creditworthy borrowers for projects to maintain, upgrade and repair dams identified in the National Inventory of Dams owned by non-federal entities States/Territories, Counties, Cities, Private Sector Businesses, Other Entities
Environmental Protection Agency State and Tribal Assistance GrantsWaterWater Infrastructure Improvements for the Nation Small and Underserved Communities Emerging Contaminants Grant Program grant program provides grants to public water systems in small and underserved/disadvantaged communities that are unable to finance activities needed to comply with drinking water regulations. Bipartisan Infrastructure Law prioritizes the funding to focus on small and disadvantaged communities in addressing emerging contaminants, including PFAS. States/Territories, Cities, Tribes, Utilities, Other Entities
Department of Defense – Army Corps of Engineers ConstructionResilienceWater-Related Environmental Infrastructure AssistanceThe program funds engineering and construction of authorized environmental infrastructure projects which provides safe water supply, waste disposal and pollution control to cities and towns to protect human health and safeguard the environment States/Territories, Counties, Cities, Tribes, To Be Determined
Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation ServicesResilienceWatershed And Flood Prevention Operations planning, design and construction of measures that address resource concerns in a watershed. States/Territories, Counties, Cities, Tribes, Other Entities
Department of Energy Energy Efficiency and Renewable EnergyClean Energy and PowerWeatherization Assistance Program increase the energy efficiency of dwellings owned or occupied by low-income persons , reduce their total residential energy expenditures, and improve their health and safety, especially low-income persons who are particularly vulnerable such as the elderly, the handicapped, and children. States/Territories, Tribes
Department of Commerce National Oceanic and Atmospheric AdministrationResilienceWildfire funds will be used to support wildfire prediction, detection, observation, modeling, and forecasting. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration will also engage the broader wildland fire weather community and stakeholders through grants, workshops, and a few Fire Weather Testbed. States/Territories, Counties, Cities, Tribes, Special Districts, Non-Profit Agencies, Higher Education Institutions
Department of the Interior Office of Wildland FireResilienceWildfire Management – Fuels Management protect vulnerable communities from wildfire while preparing our communities and natural landscapes for a changing climate, through hazardous fuels management strategies, including mechanical thinning, precommercial thinning in young stands, timber harvesting, prescribed fire, and installation of control locations such as fuel breaks.Federal Agencies, States/Territories, Tribes
Department of Transportation Federal Highway AdministrationSafetyWildlife Crossings Pilot Program Wildlife Crossings Pilot program will support projects that seek to reduce the number of wildlife-vehicle collisions, and in carrying out that purpose, improve habitat connectivity States/Territories, MPOs, Counties, Cities, Tribes, Special Districts, Transit Agencies, Other Entities
Department of Energy Energy Efficiency and Renewal EnergyClean Energy and PowerWind Energy Tech Recycling Research & Development award financial assistance to eligible entities for research, development, and demonstration, and commercialization projects to create innovative and practical approaches to increase the reuse and recycling of wind energy technologies. States/Territories, Tribes, Non-Profit Agencies, Higher Education Institutions, Private Sector Businesses, Other Entities
Department of Energy Energy Efficiency and Renewal EnergyClean Energy and PowerWind Energy Technology Program fund research, development, demonstration, and commercialization activities to improve wind energy technologies. States/Territories, Tribes, Non-Profit Agencies, Higher Education Institutions, Private Sector Businesses, Other Entities