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Amendment #1 to FFY 2024 PWP


News Notice

In accordance with SORTPO’s adopted Public Participation Process the following information is provided.

The SORTPO Transportation Technical Committee on June 12, 2024, will consider Amendment #1 to the Federal Fiscal Year 2024 Planning Work Program (PWP). The SORTPO Transportation Policy Board will consider approving Amendment #1 at their June 27, 2024, meeting.

The PWP represents the budget and work tasks necessary to accomplish and maintain the transportation planning process within SORTPO’s region. This document includes a description of what work is to be accomplished, who will perform the work, the schedule for completion of the work, the intended products and funding.

Amendment #1 is an end of the year action. The approved funding limits by Element in the PWP were estimates based on staff’s knowledge of activities and tasks. By approving the amendment, the existing funding will be redistributed to the PWP Elements shown in the table below to allow for full expenditure of funds. ODOT Planning Division reviewed the request and is in concurrence with the proposed amendment identified in the table below.

FFY 2024Amendment #1
Element 1 - Program Support & Administration$51,651$71,286
Element 2 - Data Acquisition & Management$6,887$12,417
Element 3 – Long Range Planning$64,428$51,477
Element 4 – Short Range Planning$116,898$93,592
Element 5 – Public Participation$41,386$35,970
Element 6 – Mobility Management$100,000$100,000
Element 7 – Transportation Improvement Program$0$16,508

News Notice