News Notice
In accordance with SORTPO’s adopted Public Participation Process the following information is provided.
The SORTPO Transportation Technical Committee on June 12, 2024, will consider Amendment #1 to the Federal Fiscal Year 2024 Planning Work Program (PWP). The SORTPO Transportation Policy Board will consider approving Amendment #1 at their June 27, 2024, meeting.
The PWP represents the budget and work tasks necessary to accomplish and maintain the transportation planning process within SORTPO’s region. This document includes a description of what work is to be accomplished, who will perform the work, the schedule for completion of the work, the intended products and funding.
Amendment #1 is an end of the year action. The approved funding limits by Element in the PWP were estimates based on staff’s knowledge of activities and tasks. By approving the amendment, the existing funding will be redistributed to the PWP Elements shown in the table below to allow for full expenditure of funds. ODOT Planning Division reviewed the request and is in concurrence with the proposed amendment identified in the table below.
Agriculture, nutrition, food politics, education | Opal Apples | Grants to USA nonprofit organizations and school entities for youth-led initiatives that serve individuals and communities in need. Programs must be in one of the following focus areas: agriculture, nutrition, food politics and education, and food security. Eligible organizations are those that include youth aged 6-25 taking leadership roles. | Nonprofit, Schools | Opal Applies | Opal Applies | ||||
Alternative Fuel | Charging and Fueling Infrastructure Grants (Community Program) | Program funds will be made available each fiscal year for Community Grants, to install EV charging and alternative fuel in locations on public roads, schools, parks, and in publicly accessible parking facilities. These grants will be prioritized for rural areas, low-and moderate-income neighborhoods, and communities with low ratios of private parking, or high ratios of multiunit dwellings | FHWA | FHWA | 8/28/2024 | ||||
Alternative Fuel Corridor | Charging & Fueling Infrastructure Grants (Corridor Program) | Deploy electric vehicle (EV) charging and hydrogen/propane/natural gas fueling infrastructure along designated alternative fuel corridors. | FHWA | FHWA | 8/28/24 | ||||
Animals | PETCO Love | Animal welfare organizations sheltering and adoption. | Animal control, non profit, human society's | PETCO | PETCO | 7/31/2024 | |||
Arts, culture, history, libraries, literacy, health and safety, economic development | Carolyn Watson Rural Oklahoma | Grants of up to $40,000 to Oklahoma nonprofit organizations, government entities, museums, libraries, and schools for projects that benefit rural communities in eligible counties. Applicants must contact program staff prior to applying. Projects must impact the quality of life of the community through the areas of arts, culture, history, libraries and literacy, health and safety, and economic development. Ongoing projects and programs are eligible for renewed funding. Projects must serve communities with a population of less than 6,000 in the rural counties of Adair, Atoka, Bryan, Caddo, Cherokee, Choctaw, Coal, Haskell, Johnston, Kiowa, Latimer, McCurtain, Mcintosh, Okfuskee, Or Pushmataha. | Nonprofit, government, museums, libraries, schools | Carolyn Watson Rural Oklahoma | Carolyn Watson Rural Oklahoma | 12/13/2023 Zoom meeting 1/9/24 LOI 2/9/24 | 2/16/2024 | ||
Bike, Ped | Community Change Grants | This program will award 6 grants to communities for projects related to creating healthy, active, and engaged places to live, work and play. We have also expanded the program to include 15 grants for similar projects that are funded by General Motors. | America Walks | America Walks | |||||
Bridge | Bridge Formula Program: Small Cities / Oklahoma Department of Transportation | Assist cities repair of replace structurally deficient bridges in their incorporated city limits | Municipalities | ODOT | ODOT | 405-206-6440 | |||
Bridge Investment Program - Large Bridge Project | DOT/FHWA | Bridge rehab, replacement, preservation and protection with total eligible costs greater than $100 million. | Local govt, states, mpo, cogs | FHWA | FHWA | 8/1/2024 | |||
Building Codes | The Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities program makes federal funds available to states, US territories, federally recognized Tribal governments, and local communities for hazard mitigation activities | States, territories, counties, cities, tribes | FHWA | FHWA | |||||
Business/Economic/Community, education | FRS Community Project Grant | Must be submitted through a NCTA member partner ( | Foundation for Rural Service | Foundation for Rural Service | Sept 9 2024 | ||||
Capital, medical equipment | JE and LE Mabee Foundation | Capital projects and medical equipment purchases. Funding is intended to support projects and organizations in the areas of culture and religion, education, health and medicine, and social and humanitarian services. The Mabee Foundation only makes grants for construction projects, renovation projects, and for the purchase of major medical equipment. The Mabee Foundation requires that 40% of the total project be raised by other public donors before it will consider a grant request. Names of donors must be included in the grant application. The 40% fundraising requirement must be met by the time an application is submitted. | Nonprofit | JE and LE Mabee Foundation | JE and LE Mabee Foundation | 1st business day of December, March, June and September | |||
Children & Youth | American Legion Child Welfare Foundation | Initiatives to directly benefit children and youth's mental, physical, emotional and spiritualty welfare. Must have potential to help children in large geographic area. | Non profits, local govt | American Legion | American Legion | ||||
Community | AARP Community Challenge | Fund quick action projects that help communities become more livable. | Nonprofit, government entities | AARP | AARP | | 16-Jan | 3/15/2024 | |
Community | Applebee's | Flapjack breakfast and Dining for Dollars. | Applebee's | Applebee's | |||||
Community | Cotton Electric Foundation | Provide financial assistant to worthwhile individuals and organizations. Meets quarterly to review applications. | Individuals, nonprofit, school | Cotton Electric Foundation | Cotton Electric Foundation | Tory Tedder-Loffland | | ||
Community | Hilliary Dontation/Sponsorship | Hilliary | Hilliary | ||||||
Community | Home Depot | Tax exempt using the power of volunteers to improve community. Focus: veterans, and/or diverse or underserved communities. | Home Depot | Home Depot | up to $5000 | ||||
Community | Oklahoma City Community Foundation | Ok City Community Foundation | Ok City Community Foundation | ||||||
Community | Priddy | Support of programs in human services, education, arts and health which offer significant potential for individual development and community improvement. Capital grants, limited operating grants, organization development support grant, program grant. Program grant: expand or create program services. Operating grant. Capital grant: will not exceed 20% of total project budget. | Non profit, education, arts | Priddy | Priddy | Mar 1 & Sept 1 (LOI Feb 1 & Aug 1) | |||
Community | Sarkeys | Grants to Oklahoma nonprofit organizations and educational institutions for activities in the areas of arts and culture, education, humanitarian and social services, animal welfare, and scientific research. LOIs are due December 1. Applicants are advised to consult with program staff prior to beginning the application process. Major areas of support include: 1. Education; 2. Social service and human service needs; 3. Cultural and humanitarian programs of regional significance. Challenge Grants: The Board may, at its discretion, determine to award a grant contingent upon the fulfillment of an institution’s additional fundraising obligation for the project in question within a specified time period. One application per 12 months. | Non profit/education | Sarkeys | Sarkeys | 405-364-3703 | Feb 1 and Aug 1. | ||
Community | Taco Bueno | Dinners for dollars | Taco Bueno | Taco Bueno | |||||
Community | UP Foundation | Community | UP Foundation | UP Foundation | Opens in 4/18 | ||||
Community | Walmart Spark Good Local Grant | The Spark Good Local Grants are open to eligible organizations operating locally and including public charities, recognized government entities, schools, and churches or faith-based organizations with a proposed project that benefits the community at large. Local cash grant awards range from $250 to $5,000. | Non profit, government, schools, churches | Walmart Local | Walmart Local | 15-Oct | |||
Community Benefit | American Rental Association | Grants of up to $20,000 and in-kind support to USA and territories nonprofit organizations for outdoor events and activities that benefit vulnerable residents. Funding is intended to enhance the communities where funding source members work and live, with an emphasis on assisting underserved populations. ARA will partner with local nonprofit organizations and rental industry businesses to make a difference in their communities. The project must require the use of rental equipment. | Non profit | American Rental Association | American Rental Association | ||||
Community Benefit | BOKF Foundation | enhance the economic wellbeing and quality of life of communities within the funding source’s service area. Funding is intended for initiatives in the following areas: basic needs, education, and economic development. | Nonprofit | BOKF Foundation | BOKF Foundation | ||||
Community Benefit | COSTCO | Grants and in-kind donations to USA nonprofit organizations for charitable programs to benefit local communities. Funding is intended to support programs in the areas of human services, health, education, and children. The primary focus of funding is to benefit communities where the funding source has a business presence. Two types of giving options are available: • Warehouse Donations: For local organizations/local causes - Costco Shop Cards may be issued in lieu of monetary or in-kind requests. Grant Applications: For larger, broad-based organizations/causes | Nonprofit | COSTCO | COSTCO | | Ongoing (one application per cycle) | ||
Community Benefit | Farmers Bank & Trust | Grants and in-kind support to Arkansas, Oklahoma, and Texas nonprofit organizations for projects and programs to benefit local residents. Eligible projects may fall into one of the following focus areas: education, wellness, veterans, and law enforcement and civic workers. Applicants may apply for contribution funding or giveaway items | Nonprofit | Farmers Bank & Trust | Farmers Bank & Trust | ||||
Community Benefit | Fruit Tree Foundation | In-kind donations of fruit trees, equipment, volunteer workers, and training to USA nonprofit organizations, public schools, and government entities to create orchards in communal and public places. Funding is intended to improve the surrounding environment and provide a source of healthy nutrition for the community. FTPF programs strategically donate orchards where the harvest will best serve communities for generations, at places such as community gardens, public schools, city/state parks, low-income neighborhoods, Native American reservations, international hunger relief sites, and animal sanctuaries. | Nonprofit, Schools, government | Fruit Tree Foundation | Fruit Tree Foundation | | Ongoing | ||
Community Benefit | Max and Victoria Dreyfus Foundation | Grants of up to $20,000 to USA nonprofit organizations for community benefit programs and projects. Funding is intended to support hospitals and schools; museums, performing arts and cultural programs; skills training, educational, and other programming for seniors, youth, and people with disabilities; environmental and wildlife protection activities; and other programs that address community needs. The Foundation provides support for specific projects or activities of an organization, as well as for operating support. The Foundation supports organizations that can make their best case for support, and for which a small amount of money can have a large impact. | Nonprofit | Max & Victoria Dreyfus | Max & Victoria Dreyfus | 202-237-3300 - | 5/11 - 11/10 11/11 - 5/10 | Spring Award Fall Award | |
Community Benefit | T-Mobile Hometown Grant Program | The T-Mobile Hometown Grants program funds projects to build, rebuild, or refresh community spaces that help foster local connections in your town. Projects should be shovel-ready, physical builds or improvements that can be completed within 12 months of receiving Hometown Grants funding. Small towns with populations less than 50,000 are eligible to apply | Small towns less than 50,000 | T-Mobile | T-Mobile | Spring: Applications open January–March, Summer: Applications open April–June, Fall: Applications open July–September, Winter: Applications open October–December. | The portal will close on the last day of each quarter and reopen for the new quarter on the first of the month. | ||
Community Benefit | Walmart Foundation | Local Community grants range from a minimum of $250 to a maximum of $5,000. All applicants must create a Spark Good account to begin the application process. Organizations must also complete the Deed verification process prior to submitting an application. Access to Deed verification and the online application are available through an applicant's Spark Good account. | Nonprofit, government entity, K12 public/private, faith based. | Walmart | Walmart | or | July 15, October 15, Dec 15 | ||
Community Facilities | Community facilities direct loan & grant | Funding to develop essential community facilities that provide an essential service in rural areas. | USDA | USDA | Pam Bensley | 580-899-2554 ext 116 | ongoing | ||
Community, Education, Hunger | Casey's Retail | We support programs that meet our giving focus areas of Education, Hunger and Community Servants. | Casey's Retail | Casey's Retail | 5/1 - 4/30 | ||||
Community, parks, hunger | Kubota Hometown Proud | Awards 10-$10,000 grants and 10-$50,000 grants to 501c3 non profits. Community gardens and ag education centers to all-access parks and open space preservation projects, Kubota Tractor Corporation and our network of local dealers want to help with what’s important to you and your community. Must be within 50 mile radius of Kubota dealer. Public voting is live 8/1-8/14 | 501c3 | Kubota | Kubota | 3/1/2024 | 4/12/2024 | ||
Diesel Vehicles | VW Settlement | Local govt, transit | ODEQ | ODEQ | Malcolm Zachariah | 405-702-4170 | 9/30/2024 | ||
Education | Dollar General | Adult, family and youth literacy | Nonprofit | Dollar General | Dollar General | January | |||
Education | KFC Foundation | Empowering through Education & Training examples: community wide CPR, library afterschool literacy program, equipment and curriculum for job skill training for adults with disabilities | Non profit | KFC | KFC | 2/1/2024 | 2/29/2024 | ||
Education | KINF | 70% or more of children receive free or reduced lunches? Provide essential school supplies to the classroom most in need. | Schools | KINF | KINF | 14-Aug | |||
Education | Lowes | This year LCEF is seeking ways to provide the tools to help educators and parent groups through educational challenges by providing the greatest impact, with basic necessities being the priority. | Lowes | Lowes | |||||
Education | Mocking Bird | Grants to schools and non profits: music, education, children. Interested in programs which benefit disenfranchised groups | Nonprofit, school | Mocking Bird | Mocking Bird | | |||
Education | Whole Kids Foundation Bee Grants | The Bee Grants support educational beehives and programming at schools and nonprofit organizations so students can learn about the important role of pollinators. New applicants are invited to apply for the Traditional Bee Grant, which awards a $1,500 monetary or equipment grant. | Education, non profit | Whole Kids Foundation Bee Grants | Whole Kids Foundation Bee Grants | ||||
Education, Brick & Mortar, health & wellness, religion | Robert Glenn Rapp Foundation | 501c3 | Robert Rapp | Robert Rapp | 4/1/2024 | 31-Aug | |||
Education, community development, economic development, environment, health, human services, cultural activities | Arvest Bank Foundation | Limited to those organizations operating locally. All requests for funds must be supported by a formal written request that includes a brief mission statement of the organization, its leadership, and the purpose of the funds requested. In addition to the written request, organizations should include a completed W-9 form | Nonprofit | Arvest Bank Foundation | Arvest Bank Foundation | ||||
Education, health, arts/culture, community benefit, emergency responder | ONEOK Foundation Inc | Grants to USA nonprofit organizations in multiple states to benefit communities where the funding source has a business presence. Funding is intended for programs and activities in the areas of education, health and human services, arts and culture, environment, and community improvement | Nonprofit | ONEOK | ONEOK | Grants less than $5000 ongoing - Great than $5000 must be submitted 6 weeks prior to quarterly meetings (March June, September, December) | |||
Education, hunger relief and food insecurity, community development | Spark light | Grants to USA nonprofit organizations and government agencies to improve lives, strengthen communities, and advance education in areas where the funding source has a business presence. Funding is intended for programs, special projects, equipment, and facilities improvements. Proposals may address a range of community activities, including STEM education in local schools, vocational and life skills training for persons with disabilities, capital campaign support for social services, and programs advocating on behalf of abused and neglected children, families in need, and the homeless. | Nonprofit and government | Spark light | Spark light | | |||
Education, Hunger, Health/Wellness, Disaster Relief | International Paper | Address critical needs in communities where employees live/work | Nonprofit | International Paper | International Paper | Mid September | |||
Education, job skill, prevention/recovery, suicide | The Boeing Charitable Giving Advisory Board | The Advisory Board identifies and provides recommendations for funding related to educational enrichment for children, teens and adults; for veterans and their families making the military-to-civilian transition, job skill development and training, recovery and rehabilitation, and suicide prevention; and for making our communities more vibrant and sustainable through a continuing cycle of investment and enhancement | Non profits, | Boeing Charitable | Boeing Charitable | March 15-April 15 | |||
Education, scientific, religious, literacy | Willard & Pat Walker Charitable Foundation | Funding is intended to support charitable, educational, scientific, religious, and literary endeavors. All organizations must contact the Foundation office (via phone or email) at least 30 days before submitting a grant request to discuss funding eligibility. | Nonprofit | Willard & Pat Walker | Willard & Pat Walker | 479-582-2310 | 1/15-3/1 8/15 - 10/1 | ||
Education, STEM, Hunger, Housing, Equity, Social Justice | American Electric Power (AEP) Foundation | Eligible applicants must be located within the AEP service territory or be national or regional. The following focus areas will be eligible for consideration by the Foundation: • Improving lives through education from early childhood through higher education, with an emphasis in the areas of STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics). • Providing basic human services in the areas of hunger and housing to assure that people have the necessities to build successful lives. • Embracing change and equity for people of color through sustainable programs that move racial and social justice forward. • Enriching the overall vitality of the community and improving the environment and people’s lives. | Nonprofit, government public IHES | American Electric Power (AEP) Foundation | American Electric Power (AEP) Foundation | Tiffini Jackson | | ||
Education, youth program | Loves | Love’s issues monetary or in-kind donations to organizations | Nonprofit 501( c)(3), state, county, municipal | Loves | Loves | ||||
Energy | Department Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy of Energy | Department Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy of Energy | |||||||
Energy | To provide grants to supply nonprofit buildings with energy-efficiency material | Non-Profit Agencies | Department Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy of Energy | Department Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy of Energy | |||||
Energy, School and buses | To provide competitive grants to make energy efficiency, renewable energy, and alternative fueled vehicle upgrades and improvements at public schools. | Non-Profit Agencies, Higher Education Institutions, Private Sector Businesses, Other Entities | Department of Transportation Federal Transit Administration | Department of Transportation Federal Transit Administration | |||||
Environment | Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Office of External Affairs | Grants of up to $1,500 to Oklahoma teachers, PreK-12 schools, youth group leaders, school environmental clubs, and youth-serving organizations for environmental learning programs and environmentally focused projects and strategies. Eligible projects include but are not limited to the following categories: environmental club projects, outdoor classroom revitalization, edible gardens, recycling, composting, green schools, and environmental education projects. | School, youth group, | ODEQ | ODEQ | 800-869-1400 | 11/10 5/10 | ||
Environment, animals | KFC Foundation | Park improvements, vehicle for mobile vet clinic, other reasonable project requests that haven't been covered | Non profit | KFC | KFC | 9/1/2024 | 9/30/2024 | ||
Environment, food, health, community | Cliff Family Foundation | Grants to USA nonprofit organizations for operational support. Funding is intended to support grassroots organizations that effect positive change in the focus areas of environmental stewardship, food and agriculture, health equity, and sustainable community development. Grant funds must be used to support daily operating costs and specific projects. Priority will be given to applicants that: • Address two or more of the Foundation's funding priorities at the same time (strengthen the food system, enhance equitable community health outcomes, safeguard the environment and natural resources). • Demonstrate strong community ties. • Operate within viable and clearly defined plans for positive change. Foundation Priorities | Nonprofit | Cliff Family Foundation | Cliff Family Foundation | 3/1 8/1 | |||
Environmental | Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality | Grants to curtail illegal dumping not to exceed $50,000. | Government | ODEQ | ODEQ | Amanda Scofield or Libby McCaskill | 405-702-5118 or 405-702-5168 | 1-Dec | 28-Feb |
Federal Lands Access Program (FLAP) | Program to improve transportation facilities that provide access to, are adjacent to, or are located within Federal lands. | Central Federal Lands Highway Div | Central Federal Lands Highway Div | Randy Robinson | 405-229-7632 | ||||
First Responder | This program develops and transitions technologies, information, procedures, and concept of operations to aid first responders, emergency managers, and incident commanders as they respond to hazardous situations. It assists emergency response communities through test and assessment of technologies for usability and seeks to transition viable solutions to the commercial marketplace to help make them available across all first responder communities. | Higher Education Institutions, Private Sector Businesses, Other Entities | Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology / Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act | Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology / Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act | |||||
Food | Patrick Leahy Farm to School Grant Program | Designed to increase the availability of local foods in schools and help connect students to the sources of their food through education, taste tests, school gardens, field trips, and local food sourcing for school meals. Grants are available to launch new farm-to-school programs or expand existing efforts. | Schools, other institutions that operate child nutrition programs, Indian tribe, agricultural producers or groups of agricultural producers, nonprofit entities, state, and local | USDA | USDA | ||||
Food and Nutrition | Conagra Foundation | Grants to USA nonprofit organizations for community-based programs related to food and nutrition. Priority is given to organizations with projects that impact and occur in or near communities where the funding source has a business presence. Focus areas include food access, nutrition education, cooking skills, healthy and active lifestyles, and select urban agricultural programs that have a clear community focus and develop entrepreneurial skills to help individuals participate in the farm-to-fork economy. Special Event Application: Nonprofit organizations based in the USA that would like to request support for a special event such as a gala or one-time event are encouraged to submit a special event application. | Nonprofit | Conagra Foundation | Conagra Foundation | LOI 1/1- 2/15 | |||
Food, clothing shelter | Family Dollar | Provide basic necessities of life (food, clothing and shelter) to low income and low middle income families including senior citizens, minorities and at risk youth | Family Dollar | Family Dollar | $500 | ||||
Food, nutrition | Farmers Market Promotion program | Awards funding to projects that develop, coordinate, and expand direct producer-to-consumer markets. Aims to make locally and regionally produced food and agricultural products more available and accessible, especially in communities that may have difficulty accessing supermarkets or locally/regionally grown food. | USDA | USDA | |||||
Food, nutrition | Ok Dept of Ag | OK Dept of Ag | OK Dept of Ag | Jason Harvey | | ||||
Food, shelter | KFC Foundation | Expanding access to food and shelter: food pantry remodel, community garden, building repairs/renovations, beautification of community space | Non profit | KFC | KFC | 7/1/2024 | 7/31/2024 | ||
Gardening | Kids Gardening Inc | Grants of $500 and in-kind donations to USA and territories nonprofit organizations and schools for gardening programs. Funding is intended for both new and expanded programs to benefit children and youth. The goal of the program is to teach students about gardening and enhance the quality of life for youth and their communities | Schools, nonprofit | Kids Gardening Inc | Kids Gardening Inc | ||||
Health | Walgreens | Access, outreach and education toward health. | Walgreens | Walgreens | |||||
Health & Wellbeing | KFC Foundation | Mobilize health clinic creation, playground improvements, domestic violence shelter upgrades, accommodations for individuals with disabilities | Non profit | KFC | KFC | 5/1/2024 | 5/31/2024 | ||
Health and Wellness | BCBS Community Giving | Improve health and wellness, improve quality of life, education | Community, civic or charitable org. | BCBS Community Giving | BCBS Community Giving | ||||
Health, Communities | Strengthening Families & Communities & Health Workforce | Up to $75k for activities that advance the health of local communities and enhance the physical, mental, and social health and well being of families, children and youth. | Nonprofit, agencies, schools | Telligen Community Initiative | Telligen Community Initiative | 7/2/2024 | |||
Health, youth, arts, education, animal welfare | Cresap Foundation | Grants to Oklahoma nonprofit organizations to enhance the quality of life for residents in eligible locations. Applicants must submit an LOI before submitting a full application. Funding is intended for projects in the focus areas of health and wellness, youth and families, arts and humanities, education, and animal welfare. Funding preference will be given to organizations in counties where Premium Beers operated, including but not limited to Oklahoma Canadian, Grady, Cleveland, Logan, Pottawatomie, and Lincoln and the following counties in Northeast Oklahoma: Craig, Delaware, Mayes, Nowata, Osage, Ottawa, and Washington. This is a strong preference but is not mandatory. | Nonprofit | Cresap Foundation | Cresap Foundation | 405-755-5571 | LOI - 4/1/24 Application - 8/1 | ||
Housing, Education/Youth, Community Service, Medical, Clothing | Operation Round Up - Ok Elect Coop | Individual and family grant. (Canadian, Oklahoma, Pottawatomie, McClain, Cleveland, Grady and Caddo | OEC | OEC | |||||
Hunger, career readiness, youth leadership | Arby's | Please note, at this time we do not accept unsolicited grant requests. All grantees are nominated by members of the Inspire Brands community | Arby's | Arby's | |||||
Marina | Oklahoma Clean Marina / Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality | Helps marinas with cost of construction and maintenance of pump out stations, building floating | ODEQ | ODEQ | Cheryl Dirck | 405 - 702-8170 | |||
Math and Science | Toshiba America Foundation | Grants of up to $5,000 and grants starting at $5,000 to USA six through twelfth-grade teachers of public and nonprofit private schools for fun and exciting classroom-based learning projects that aim to increase student achievement in math and science. Previous grants have funded mentoring programs, electronics courses, and biochemical research projects. The Foundation strongly encourages projects planned and led by individual teachers or teams of teachers for their own classrooms. Many successful grantees have designed projects that tap into the natural curiosity of their students, enable students to frame their own scientific questions, and incorporate the expertise of community partners. | Public/Private school | Toshiba | Toshiba | 9/1/2017 | |||
Medical, Housing, Education/Youth, Community | Operation Round Up - Ok Elect Coop | Financial assistance that address community needs in Central Oklahoma | Cotton Electric Foundation | Cotton Electric Foundation | Tory Tedder-Loffland | | |||
Mental Health | Morgan Stanley Alliance for Children's Mental Health | The Morgan Stanley Alliance for Children's Mental Health Innovation Awards aim to identify and fund mental healthcare solutions for children and young adults across the U.S. Support is provided to direct-service organizations for new or piloted projects that will address the challenges of stress, anxiety, depression, or other mental health issues in children and young adults on a national or local level. Projects must tackle specific issues and address unmet needs, with a goal of reducing stigma, increasing access to care, improving equity in mental health, enabling early identification and prevention, and enhancing intervention, especially among disadvantaged and vulnerable populations. The focus is primarily on nonprofit organizations with an annual total revenue under $10 million | Nonprofit | Morgan Stanley Alliance | Morgan Stanley Alliance | 7/14/2023 | $100,000 | ||
Mental Health, maternal, food | CVS | funds to aid health-focused nonprofit organizations in their mission. Organizations must be invited to participate in the grant process, and are required to provide services in at least one of the following areas: access to health care for underserved populations, chronic disease management programs and tobacco cessation and prevention services | Nonprofit | CVS | CVS | ||||
Military | Oklahoma Arts and Military Grant/Oklahoma Arts Council | Grants up to $5000 to support programs that service primarily induvial who are connected to the military | Oklahoma Arts | Oklahoma Arts | Erika Wilhite | 405-521-6280 | ongoing | ||
Open space, green bldgs. | Community Change | Technical Assistance to help disaster prone & disadvantaged communities prepare to apply for grant. Free design and project development assistance, community engagement and partnership development workshops. | see NOFO | EPA | EPA | now | 11/21/2024 | ||
Recreation | All Kids Play | All Kids Play provides funding to families and communities who lack the resources to pay for youth sports. Grants are available to qualifying families with kids in grade K-12 and not-for-profit community-based recreational sports organizations in low income areas on a need and first-come, first served basis as funds are available. Individual grants can be used for registration, equipment and other associated fees for sports classes, recreational leagues, and travel sports | All Kids Play | All Kids Play | |||||
Recreation | American Academy of Dermatology | Projects that increase the safety of outdoor play spaces. Funding may be used for expenses associated with the installation of shade structures. Grantees will also be provided with a permanent sign to be placed near the shade structure featuring sun-safety tips. To be considered, applicants must demonstrate that they have an active sun-safety/skin cancer awareness program for at least one year prior to application. | Schools, daycares, parks, non profits | American Academy of Dermatology | American Academy of Dermatology | ||||
Recreation | Game Time | Promote physical activity, reduce childhood obesity and encourage play for all. Up to 100% matching funds. | Nonprofit, schools, park dept, youth org. | Gametime | Gametime | 800-235-2440 | 10/18/2024 | ||
Recreation | Kaboom! Playground Grant | Kaboom! offers grants and consulting assistance to improve play areas at schools. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis and filled as opportunities arise. | Schools | Kaboom! Playground | Kaboom! Playground | ||||
Recreation, conservation | National Park Service | Applicants must contact the appropriate regional office before submitting an application. The National Park Service – Rivers, Trails, and Conservation Assistance program (RTCA) supports community-led natural resource conservation and outdoor recreation projects. NPS projects typically fall within five focus areas, Build healthy communities through parks, trails, and outdoor opportunities, conserve natural lands, rivers, and watersheds, Engage youth in outdoor recreation and stewardship, Strengthen the organizational capacity of project partners, Support National Park Service and community networks | Nonprofit, tribes, government, community group | National Park Service | National Park Service | Ericka Pilcher | | 3/1/2024 | |
Roads | Industrial Access Roads / Oklahoma Department of Transportation | Assist industrial development by providing funds for the construction or improvement of access facilities to industrial operations or designated industrial areas | Government | ODOT | ODOT | Mitch Surrett | 405-522-0290 | ongoing | |
Roads | Lake Access Roads / Oklahoma Department of Transportation | State funds for surfacing reimbursement program. City/County prepare the base and draining | Government | ODOT | ODOT | Mitch Surrett | 405-522-0290 | 1-Jul | 1-Apr |
Roads | Municipal Road Drilling Activity Fund / Oklahoma Department of Transportation | Repair roadway damage caused by increased oilfield activity | Government | ODOT | ODOT | Melissa Davis | | 1-Jul | |
Roads | Unpaved Roads Program/Oklahoma Conservation Commission | Fund work on public unpaved roads and focuses on sediment reduction that could negatively impact a priority water body. | Government | Ok Conservation Commission | Trampas Tripp | 918-441-2482 | ongoing | ||
Rural: youth, seniors, disabilities | The Carl C Anderson Sr & Marie Joe Anderson | The foundation funds (encourage rural organizations to apply) in our 3 mission areas: essential needs for children/youth; programs serving seniors; programs serving people with disabilities. Grants of up to $20,000 to benefit the community. | Nonprofit | Carl Anderson | ODOT | | Ongoing | ||
Safety ATV | Yamaha Outdoor Access Initiative | Support efforts that promote safe, responsible use of OHV, educate the public on property recreational land use and wildlife conservation practices and protect appropriate and sustainable access to public lands. Trail development, restoration, maintenance, signage and maps, staging areas, safety and education | Yamaha Access | Yamaha | | 3/31/24; 6/30/2024; 9/30/2024;12/15/2024 | |||
Safety, disaster preparedness/recovery, teen driver education | Good Neighbor Citizenship Company Grants | State Farm provides grants to projects that focus on auto and roadway safety, teen driver education, home safety and fire prevention, disaster preparedness, and disaster recovery. Eligible applicants for this potential funding opportunity are educational institutions; programs conducted by municipal, county, state or federal government entities that align with the State Farm® charitable focus; | Educational, local government, non profits, chamber of commerce, volunteer fire companies | State Farm | StateFarm | ||||
School | Clean School Bus Program | State or local governments, eligible contractors, and nonprofit school transportation associations are authorized to receive grant funds. Fifty percent of the funds are authorized for zero-emission school buses, and 50 percent of the funds are authorized for alternative fuels and zero-emission school buses. Funds may be prioritized for rural or low-income communities and entities that have matching funds available. The EPA Administrator is authorized to provide funds to cover up to 100 percent of the costs for the replacement of the bus. | Cities, counties, non profits, states, tribes, private sector businesses | US EPA | CleanSchoolBus | ||||
Security | Nonprofit Security Grant Program | The Nonprofit Security Grant Program (NSGP) provides funding support for target hardening and other physical security enhancements and activities to nonprofit organizations that are at high risk of terrorist attack. The intent is to integrate nonprofit preparedness activities with broader state and local preparedness efforts. It is also designed to promote coordination and collaboration in emergency preparedness activities among public and private community representatives, as well as state and local government agencies | Nonprofit | FEMA | FEMANonProfitSecurityGrant | Christina Doran, Oklahoma Office of Homeland Security | 405 425-7591 | ||
Security | STOP School Violence | The Students, Teachers, and Officers Preventing (STOP) School Violence grant program is offered through the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) of the DOJ. The focus of this program is to help prevent acts of violence, as well as to make sure students and teachers are prepared to recognize and act quickly in response to escalating situations. Eligible entities include public and private schools, municipalities, law enforcement agencies, and Indian tribes. Funding is directed toward violence prevention programs, such as: Conducing threat assessments and training intervention teams for schools, Improved reporting capabilities, including technology-based solutions, Additional strategies designed to help prevent school violence | School | Bureau of Justice | BureauJustice | ||||
Seniors | Changing Aging | Research, startups, pilot projects, direct services, etc. Support ending ageism, advancing digital equity, supporting aging in place. | Nonprofit, university, local govt | Next50 | Next50Foundation | 1-Jul | 31-Jul | ||
Seniors | Ok City Community Foundation | which enable them to live independently in their homes. | Nonprofits/charitable orgs | Ok City Community Foundation | OKCFoundation | Application opens 8/5; Grant meeting 9/4, LOI 9/20; Deadline 9/27 | |||
Seniors, Disabled | Community Care Corps | innovative local models in which volunteers provide nonmedical assistance to family caregivers, older adults or adults with disabilities in order to maintain their independence. A second option has been added for local organizations across the country capable of building a network of screened and trained volunteer chaperones to accompany older adults and adults with disabilities in need to and from non-emergency medical appointments and outpatient procedures. | Nonprofit, state, local, faith base, medical, | National Community Corp | CommunityCareCorpos | | |||
STEM | Society for Science: STEM Research Grant | STEM Research Grants provide support to US middle and high school teachers engaging their students in authentic STEM research. Teachers can apply for up to $5,000 in funding to purchase specialized equipment, receive a set of pre-selected equipment valued at $1,000, or both. | Society for Science | STEM | 15-Nov | ||||
Transportation | Active Transportation Infrastructure Investment Program | The Active Transportation Infrastructure Investment Program (ATIIP) is a new competitive grant program to construct projects to provide safe and connected active transportation facilities in active transportation networks or active transportation spines. Active transportation networks are active transportation facilities that connect between destinations within a community or metropolitan region, including schools, workplaces, residences, businesses, recreation areas, medical facilities, and other community areas . Active transportation spines are active transportation facilities that connect between communities, metropolitan regions, or States. | States, MPOs, cities, tribes, special districts | FHWA | ATIIP | ||||
Transportation | Transportation Alternative / Oklahoma Department of Transportation | Improve the safety and connectivity within communities/cities | Government | ODOT | ODOT Website | Matt VanAuken | 405-436-3734 | ||
Transportation, bike/ped/roads | Rural Surface Transportation Grant Program | Rural Surface Transportation Grant Program will support projects to improve and expand the surface transportation infrastructure in rural areas to increase connectivity, improve the safety and reliability of the movement of people and freight, and generate regional economic growth and improve quality of life. | States/Territories, Counties, Cities, Tribes, Transit Agencies | Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration | RuralSurface | ||||
Transportation, resilience | Promoting Resilient Operations for Transformative, Efficient, and Cost-Saving Transportation (PROTECT) – Discretionary | PROTECT Grants will support planning, resilience improvements, community resilience and evacuation routes, and at-risk coastal infrastructure. | Federal Agencies, States/Territories, MPOs, Counties, Cities, Tribes, Transit Agencies, Other Entities | Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration | PROTECT | ||||
Transportation, trails, bike/ped | People for Bikes | PeopleForBikes’ Bike Industry Community Grant funding infrastructure projects that improve a community’s City Ratings score by building connections in a low-stress bikeway network or improving access to recreational amenities. Our grants range from $5,000 to $10,000. Eligible projects include: costs related to the development of permanent bike infrastructure, including trails, shared-use paths, bike parks, pump tracks, bicycle playgrounds, neighborhood greenways/bike boulevards, and protected bike lanes | Nonprofit, local/state agencies | People for Bikes | Bikes | ||||
Underserved | The Hearst Foundation | Grants to USA nonprofit organizations to help improve the quality of life for underserved populations throughout the country. Funding is intended to address significant issues in the areas of arts and sciences, education, health, and social service. Eligible applicants primarily serve large geographic or demographic constituencies. | Nonprofit | Hearst Foundation | HearstFoundation | Ongoing | |||
Underserved | The Tony Robbins Foundation | Funding is intended to make a difference in the lives of senior citizens, youth, homeless populations, imprisoned populations, and the hungry. To be considered for a grant from The Tony Robbins Foundation, an organization must first submit an online Letter of Intent. A Letter of Intent may not exceed 3 pages in length. | Nonprofit | Tony Robbins | TonyRobbinsFoundation | Ongoing | |||
Youth | Sonic | Community | Sonic | Sonic | |||||
Youth | Taco Bell | Scholarships and after school programs | After school programs | Taco Bell | TacoBell |