2022 RAISE Grants

WASHINGTON — The U.S. Department of Transportation has published a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for grant funding through the Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) discretionary grant program. The popular program helps communities around the country carry out projects with significant local or regional impact. RAISE discretionary grants, which were originally created under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act as TIGER grants, can be used for a wide variety of projects. 

“The RAISE program helps communities large and small fix and modernize their infrastructure,” said Secretary Pete Buttigieg. “This year, thanks to the President’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, we can support more projects than ever, and help make our transportation system safer, more accessible, and more sustainable for people across the country.

RAISE projects are rigorously reviewed and selected based on merit. Projects will be evaluated on statutory criteria of safety, environmental sustainability, quality of life, economic competitiveness and opportunity, state of good repair, partnership, and innovation. New this year, under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, 2022 RAISE applications will also be evaluated on the criteria of mobility and community connectivity. The Department will assess projects for universal design and accessibility for travelers, as well as consider how proposals increase mobility for freight and supply chain efficiency.

At least $15 million in funding is guaranteed to go towards projects located in Areas of Persistent Poverty or Historically Disadvantaged Communities. Under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, RAISE expands the number of communities eligible for 100 percent federal share of funding, specifically those in rural communities, Areas of Persistent Poverty and Historically Disadvantaged Communities.

The deadline for applications is 5 p.m. EST on April 14, 2022, and selections will be announced no later than August 12, 2022.

On behalf of SORTPO the South Western Oklahoma Development Authority (SWODA), will submit a grant application to develop the Southwest Oklahoma Regional Mutli Modal Transportation Plan. The Project will result in collection/development of regional data to assist in the prioritization of  projects that support the integration of non-motorized and motorized transportation and transit better integrating the region which will increase quality of life for rural residents and strengthen the economy.

The Plan will be a diamond for southwest Oklahoma focusing on safety, connectivity, public involvement, assessments, and recommendations for strategic investments in the multi modal system that enhance the economic opportunities and quality of life.

RAISE Grant Documents