November 2023 Meetings Cancelled
Both the Transportation Technical Committee meeting on November 8, 2023, and the Transportation Policy Board meeting on November 16, 2023, have been cancelled due to a lack of actionable items.

Oklahoma Challenge Safe Driver App Contest
Did you know that 1 in 5 16-year olds will have a crash in their first year of driving? Oklahoma Challenge want to help you make sure that doesn’t happen ….

Oklahoma first in nation to require work zone safety course for teen drivers
The law, set to take effect Nov. 1, 2023, will require all Oklahoma teens to complete the free Oklahoma Work Zone Safe and First Responder Safety online education course before applying for their intermediate driver license.

FFY 2024 Planning Work Program
The Planning Work Program (PWP) for Southwest Oklahoma Regional Transportation Planning Organization (SORTPO) defines the planning priorities in the region and describes all transportation related planning activities anticipated in the program year.

OHSO Grants
Agencies interested in partnering with the Oklahoma Highway Safety Office will be required to complete a pre-application process.

October 2023 Meetings Cancelled
Both the Transportation Technical Committee meeting on October 11, 2023, and the Transportation Policy Board meeting on October 26, 2023, have been cancelled due to a lack of actionable items.

City of Clinton – McLain Rogers Park Final Design Report
BKL, Inc. was contracted by the City of Clinton for its engineering design services for an
ADA sidewalk assessment of McLain Rogers Park. The improvements to McLain
Rogers Park will also include accessible side street parking along the south and west
edges of the park.

City of Cache – Alternative Transportation Master Plan
The City of Cache is working to improve its community by encouraging new residential development, commercial development and amenities for its citizens to use and enjoy.

City of Anadarko – Citywide Trails Master Plan
The City of Anadarko hereby announces that it will hold a Public Meeting to solicit input from all interested persons regarding a proposed Trail Master Plan.

Draft FFY 2023 Planning Work Program Amendment #1
Amendment #1 is an end of the year action. The approved funding limits by Element in the PWP were estimates based on staff’s knowledge of activities and tasks. By approving the amendment, the existing funding will be redistributed to the PWP Elements shown in the document to allow for full expenditure of funds.

Request for Proposal for Regional Transportation Plan
SWODA and SORTPO are seeking proposals for the development of a comprehensives Regional Transportation Plan for the SORTPO region. The deadline for submission is September 11, 2023, 5:00 pm.

SH-7/Duncan Bypass narrows to one lane through September
SH-7/Duncan Bypass narrows to one lane through September North and southbound SH-7/Duncan Bypass will intermittently be narrowed to one lane from just east of US-81 to Elk Ave. beginning 8

Meeting Rescheduled
Due to scheduling conflicts the regularly scheduled SORTPO Transportation Technical Committee meeting on Wednesday September 13th has been rescheduled to Thursday, September 28th at 10:00am. The meeting on September 28th

August 2023 Meetings Cancelled
The August 9th SORTPO Transportation Technical Committee and August 24th SORTPO Transportation Policy Board meetings are cancelled due to no actionable items.

EVOK Update
The Oklahoma Department of Transportation has officially opened a Request for Proposals (RFP) for the implementation of the U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Formula Program Funding

Multimodal Projects Discretionary Grant
The US Department of Transportation is s combining three major discretionary grant programs into one Multimodal Projects Discretionary Grant (MPDG) opportunity to reduce the burden for state and local applicants and increase the pipeline of “shovel-worthy” projects that are now possible because of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law

Southwest Oklahoma Regional Transportation Plan
The Southwest Oklahoma – Moving People and Goods Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) is a blueprint to guide investments for all forms of travel – motor vehicle, transit, bicycle, and walking – and the movement of goods and freight throughout the SORTPO region.

Technical Assistance Grants for Transportation Projects in Rural and Tribal Communities
The Notice of Funding Opportunity for a new pilot program for technical assistance has opened this week. The Rural and Tribal Assistance Pilot Program offers technical assistance grants to rural and tribal communities.

New Pilot Program – Mobility Management
SWODA is excited to announce a new pilot program called Mobility Management for the Tillman, Jackson and Kiowa county service area, and to welcome Cristi Williams to her new role as Mobility Navigator.

Rural Two-Lane Advancement and Management Plan Project Loan
U.S. Department of Transportation Announces Loan of Up to $45 Million for the Rural Two-Lane Advancement and Management Plan Project in Oklahoma Project Will Improve Safety for Oklahomans in Seven Counties

ODOT Regional Coordinated Public Transit-Human Services Transportation Plans Survey
The Oklahoma Department of Transportation (ODOT) is seeking feedback on current transportation services as well as gaps and unmet needs as part of the development of new regional, coordinated public transit-human services transportation plans. Your input will help ODOT understand the current issues and develop strategies for meeting those needs.

2023 Coordinated Transportation Plans
What These Plans Are A locally developed, coordinated public transit-human services transportation plan (“coordinated plan”) identifies the transportation needs of individuals with disabilities, seniors, and people with low incomes; provides

ODOT Announces Request for Proposals for Nevi Formula Program Funding Implementation in Oklahoma
The Oklahoma Department of Transportation (ODOT) will release a Request for Proposals (RFP) in July 2023 for the implementation of the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT), Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) NEVI Formula Program Funding. Proposals will be due in September 2023.

May Meetings Cancelled / Joint Committee Meeting June 22nd
The May 2023 meetings have been cancelled. There will be a Technical Committee and Policy Board joint meeting on June 22nd.

Transportation Commissioners Approve the 2022 Transportation Alternative Program Grants
. The ODOT Transportation Commission, at
their April 3, 2023, meeting awarded 61 projects totaling $51,864,585. Ten projects received
approval by the Commission in the Southwest Oklahoma Regional Transportation Planning
Organization (SORTPO) region.

Make it Home Safe; Make Oklahoma Safe
ODOT, OTA encourages motorists to Make it Home Safe; Make Oklahoma Safe with new work zone safety awareness campaign

ODOT Transportation Commission Awards Transportation Alternative Program Grants
Congratulations to our communities whose TAP applications were approved by the ODOT Transportation Commission Item.

Structurally Deficient City Bridge Program
If interested in participating, please submit a Notice of Interest. In order to be considered, structure must be a minimum of 20’ in length and must be rated structurally deficient on the most recent bridge inspection report.

April 2023 Meetings Canceled
The SORTPO Transportation Technical Committee meeting on April 12th and the SORTPO Policy Board meeting on April 27th are canceled due to a lack of actionable items.

New pilot program connects Oklahomans with transportation services in rural areas
New pilot program connects Oklahomans with transportation services in rural areas A new state mobility management pilot program launching this spring will help connect communities with reliable transportation options with
Strengths 2023
In the state of Oklahoma, the regional transportation planning organization program has enhanced the level of public awareness in transportation planning across all regions, gaining input on transportation issues that at one time were not addressed.

February 2023 Meetings Cancelled
The SORTPO Technical Committee Meeting on February 8th and the SORTPO Policy Board Meeting scheduled for February 23rd are canceled.

Upcoming Active Transportation Plan Meeting
Beginning the week of January 23, 2023, DOT will host a series of 10 virtual workshops to share information and gather feedback from you about active transportation opportunities and challenges. These meetings will be highly interactive and engaging. Mark your calendars!

OK Active Transportation Plan Survey
ODOT is developing a statewide Active Transportation Plan for all Oklahoma residents and visitors, and they need to hear from all of our community members – you, your friends, families,

SORTPO 2023 Meeting Schedules
The Southwest Oklahoma Regional Transportation Planning Organization (SORTPO) 2023 schedules for the Transportation Policy Board and Transportation Technical Committee has been released. Meetings will take place at 10:00 AM in

Regional Transportation Plan Public Review
The final draft of the Regional Transportation Plan is ready for public review and comment.

Check Your Internet Service Now
With reliable high-speed internet service and billions of dollars on the line, every Oklahoman is strongly encouraged to check their addresses for current service availability on a newly released map by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), the Oklahoma Broadband Office announced today.

Seeking Mobility Management Navigator
The South Western Oklahoma Development Authority (SWODA) is seeking a qualified individual to fill the position of Mobility Management Navigator.

Transportation Planning Grant
On behalf of the Southwest Oklahoma Regional Transportation Planning Organization (SORTPO) encompassing 16 counties in the ASCOG and SWODA regions we are excited to share information on a transportation planning grant for Federal Fiscal Year 2022.

November Meetings Cancelled
SORTPO Transportation Technical Committee meeting scheduled for November 9, 2022, and the SORTPO Transportation Policy Board meeting scheduled for November 17, 2022, are cancelled.

Southwest Oklahoma Walkability Summit 2022
On October 20, 2022, a summit was held in Clinton, Oklahoma. The intent of the summit is to enhance individual and community-based efforts to increase walkability by connecting leaders and community members with valuable resources and information.

October Meetings Cancelled
The October 12, 2022, Transportation Technical Committee and October 24, 2022, Transportation Policy Board meetings have been cancelled.

Construction Work Plan Continues to Guide Improvements
Twenty years after the adoption of the Oklahoma Department of Transportation’s first Eight-Year Construction Work Plan, the Oklahoma Transportation Commission today approved its newest update.

US-62B closes near Snyder Tuesday through Spring 2023
US-62B will be closed west of Snyder in Kiowa County beginning Tuesday, Sept. 6, through spring 2023 for a bridge reconstruction project over Otter Creek and an unnamed creek

Walkability Summit
Join us in a full day Walkability Summit on Walkability. The intent of the summit is to enhance individual and community based efforts to increase walkability by connecting leaders and

August Meetings Cancelled
The August 10th Transportation Technical Committee and August 25th Transportation Policy Board meetings have been cancelled.

Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) / Call for Projects
Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) Click here to submit a Call for Projects Form Click here to view the TA Program Guidance & Application Packet TA continues to build upon the legacy of the Transportation

Oklahoma Freight Transportation Plan Update 2023-2030
The Oklahoma Department of Transportation (ODOT) is proposing to update the 2018-2022 Oklahoma Freight Transportation Plan (OFTP). The existing OFTP was developed in 2017 and described freight trends, needs, and

ODOT seeking stakeholder input, hosting virtual meeting on electric vehicle charging plan
EVOK Update ODOT seeking stakeholder input, hosting virtual meeting on electric vehicle charging plan The Oklahoma Department of Transportation is hosting a virtual meeting to present information and get feedback

???? Regional Transportation Plan Survey Summary
The Southwest Oklahoma Regional Transportation Planning Organization (SORTPO) in 2021 began development of the 20-year long range regional transportation plan for southwest Oklahoma. Counties included in this planning process include

May Meetings Cancelled
Due to lack of actionable items the May 11th regularly scheduled Transportation Technical Committee Meeting and the May 26th regularly scheduled Transportation Policy Board Meeting are cancelled.

US-81 narrows in Minco nightly beginning May 9
US-81 will be narrowed to one lane in each direction from about one mile south of SH-37 East/Main St. in Minco to the South Canadian River bridge

US-281 closes near Hinton beginning Saturday
US-281 will be closed about one mile north of I-40 near Bridgeport and Hinton in Caddo County beginning at 6 a.m. Saturday and will remain closed through early May for bridge repair work at the Tower Bridge over an unnamed creek.

Regional Transportation Plan Survey
A short survey (5-7 minutes) was developed to gather information from the public to aid in the development of the regional transportation plan.

Duncan Bypass at Elk Avenue
ODOT proposes to construct an overpass and interchange at Duncan Bypass and Elk Avenue, with Duncan Bypass elevated over Elk Avenue. Constructing an interchange on an offset alignment will offer

US-62 narrows to one lane east of Altus Monday, April 18
US-62 narrows to one lane east of Altus Monday, April 18 East and westbound US-62 will be narrowed to one lane in both directions between Headrick and US-183 in Snyder,

Joint Office of Energy and Transportation
The Department of Transportation has released an online toolkit that provides a free, one-stop resource to help rural stakeholders scope, plan, and fund EV charging infrastructure.

Virtual Open House: SH4 at Fox Lane, Grady County
ODOT has scheduled a Virtual Open House for April 13-27, 2022, at www.odot.org/sh4foxlane. The purpose of the meeting is to present information about the project and obtain information from the public to

April Meetings Canceled
Due to lack of actionable items the April 13th regularly scheduled Transportation Technical Committee Meeting and the April 28th regularly scheduled Transportation Policy Board Meeting are cancelled.

March 9th Meeting Cancelled
The regularly scheduled March 9, 2022 SORTPO Transportation Technical Committee meeting is cancelled.

February 24th Meeting Cancelled
The regularly scheduled SORTPO Transportation Policy Board Meeting (Thursday, 2/24/22) is cancelled due to impending weather. The agenda items for this meeting will be considered at their March 24, 2022 meeting.

Officials unveil first look at ACCESS Oklahoma turnpike plan Projects connect corridors, communities
… ACCESS Oklahoma, which stands for Advancing and Connecting Communities and Economies Safely Statewide, is a comprehensive, long-range planning process that looks at ongoing highway infrastructure needs for the next 15 years. It is designed to improve access to communities and help meet the state’s future infrastructure needs. This is the first plan of its type by OTA, and it will complement the agency’s five-year Capital Improvement Program. …

SH-7 narrows near Duncan through March
This project is weather permitting: Eastbound SH-7 will be narrowed to one lane about 10 miles east of SH-65 near Duncan in Stephens County beginning Thursday, Jan. 27, and continuing

I-44 narrowed at SH-49 near Lawton-Fort Sill through fall 2022
This project is weather permitting: I-44 is narrowed to one lane in each direction at SH-49 (mm 45) just north of Lawton-Fort Sill in Comanche County through fall 2022 for

ODOT selects new interchange design for I-35 and SH-9 West in McClain County
The selected design proposes reconstruction of the I-35 and SH-9 West interchange as a Diverging Diamond Interchange with an additional reliever ramp to N.W. 12th Ave. The DDI option, Alternative 2B, was the preferred choice of the Town of Goldsby and the City of Newcastle while also providing the best outcome for users of this interchange

ODOT seeks public input on the future of rail-crossing safety
ODOT seeks public input on the future of rail-crossing safety The Oklahoma Department of Transportation is seeking public input on the Oklahoma Highway-Rail Grade Crossing State Action Plan. This plan is intended

Seeking Public Comment – STIP 2022-2025
ODOT is seeking public comment on the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) FFY 2022 – 2025.

Virtual Public Open House for the US-81 Intersection Improvement Project
A Virtual Public Open House for the US-81 Intersection improvement project at the US-81/SH-7 Junction Between Marlow and Duncan in Stephens County, Oklahoma. This open house will present the proposed improvements under consideration and provide an opportunity for the public to comment.

Preferred alternative announced for future I-35 interchange at SH-74/Grant St. in Purcell
Nov. 9, 2021Press Release # 21-040 Preferred alternative announced for future I-35 interchange at SH-74/Grant St. in Purcell Following input from the public and stakeholders received earlier this year, the

2022 SORTPO Policy Board Schedule
Notice of schedule of meetings for calendar year 2022, SORTPO transportation policy board.

2022 SORTPO Technical Committee Schedule
Notice of schedule of meetings for calendar year 2022, SORTPO transportation technical committee.

November 18, 2021, Meetings Cancelled
The November 18th SORTPO Transportation Technical and Policy Board meetings are cancelled.

ODOT Public Meeting: I-35 & SH-9W Interchange
ODOT Public Meeting on November 18, 2021, 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM, at Goldsby Community Building, 164 East Center Rd., Goldsby, OK, to present four improvement alternatives for the I-35 and SH-9W interchange in McClain County.

Transportation Planning Mini Grant
SORTPO’s transportation planning program is funded through the State Planning & Research (SPR) funds and local match provided by ASCOG and SWODA. The purpose of the grant is to provide planning

DEQ Announces Clean Diesel (DERA) Funding Available for Oklahoma Schools
DEQ Announces Clean Diesel (DERA) Funding Available for Oklahoma Schools For Immediate Release: October 20, 2021 Contact: Erin Hatfield, (405) 437.8468 The Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) is pleased to

October Meetings Canceled
The October 21st Technical Committee meeting and the SORTPO Policy Board meeting on October 28th are cancelled.

8 Year Construction Work Plan
The Oklahoma Department of Transportation is pleased to provide the Federal Fiscal Year 2022-2029 Eight Year Construction Work Plan, which contains critical needed transportation improvement projects for our interstates, U.S.

Special Meeting, September 28, 2021.
SORTPO Transportation Policy Board Meeting AgendaSeptember 28, 20212:00 P.M Discuss and approve Resolution 2021-3 adopting the Federal FiscalYear (FFY) 2022 Planning Work Program (PWP) Agenda Draft Commentary

Federal Fiscal Year 2022 Planning Work Program [DRAFT]
The SORTPO Transportation Policy Board will consider adopting the Federal Fiscal Year 2022 Planning Work Program at their September 23, 2021, meeting. If you have questions, please contact Julie Sanders

Website Maintenance.
We are going to be doing some maintenance on the website today. Please excuse the mess while we update things. Thank you.

Community Design for Economic Vibrancy and Public Health Webinar Series
Community Design for Economic Vibrancy and Public Health Webinar Series To assist communities in identifying and training an interdisciplinary team on best practices for creating community environments, policies, and programs

All aboard! Go online to keep Oklahoma’s 2021 State Rail Plan development on track
A virtual open house is underway to assist the Oklahoma Department of Public Transportation in updating the State Rail Plan. Input from the public is needed to help develop the

May Transportation Commission video teleconference meeting scheduled for Monday, May 3
The Oklahoma Transportation Commission’s monthly meeting is scheduled to take place as a video teleconference at 11 a.m. Monday, May 3 due to COVID-19 precautions. Members of the public and media will
Alternative Fuel Corridors Designations and Funding for Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure
FHWA recently completed the fifth round of designations for the Alternative Fuel Corridors program. With the designation of these corridors, FHWA is continuing to establish a national network of alternative

April 2021 Meetings Cancelled
The Technical Committee meeting on Thursday, April 15th and Policy Board meeting on Thursday, April 22 are cancelled.

March 2021 Meetings Canceled
The March 10th Technical Committee and March 25th Policy Board meetings have been cancelled.
Zooming into a new year and a new $6 billion highway plan
Commission approves Eight-Year Construction Work Plan The new year will ring in a new momentum for transportation in Oklahoma, with more than 1,300 critically-needed highway construction and safety projects lined
2021 Policy Board and Technical Committee Schedules Announced
Notice of the meeting schedule was submitted to the County Clerk, Washita County, OK, and Stephen County, OK and posted at the SWODA and ASCOG offices. 2021 Technical Committee Meeting

ODOT seeks input on the I-40 Exit 65/65A interchange project in Clinton
The Oklahoma Department of Transportation is inviting the public to view informational materials and submit feedback for the interchange project at I-40 and I-40 Business/Gary Blvd. and I-40 and Neptune

November 2020 Meetings Canceled
The November 12th Technical Committee meeting and November 19th Policy Board meeting have been canceled.
October 2020 Meetings Canceled
The regularly scheduled October 15, 2020 meeting of the SORTPO Transportation Technical Committee is canceled. The regularly scheduled October 22, 2020 meeting of the SORTPO Transportation Policy Board is canceled.
ODOT seeks input on US-281 Bridgeport Bridge project
The Oklahoma Department of Transportation is inviting the public to view and comment on its plans to rehabilitate the US-281 Bridgeport Bridge over the South Canadian River at the Canadian
ODOT needs input on US-81 corridor between Minco, Union City
The Oklahoma Department of Transportation recently updated a corridor study along US-81 from north of Chickasha to south of Union City. The department is inviting the public to view and
ODOT 5310 Townhall Update
5310 Townhall Update Dear Transportation Stakeholders, Please join the ODOT Office of Mobility & Public Transit for one of four Regional Telephone town hall calls regarding the FTA 5310 Program
a survey in regards to the Section 5310 – ODOT Coordinated Human Services Transportation Plan. The survey ends Monday, July 13th.
Public asked to give additional input, take survey on future transportation priorities
The Oklahoma Department of Transportation is inviting the public to weigh in on its 25-year plan for transportation priorities. Over the past year, the 2020-2045 Long Range Transportation Plan has
June 2020 Meetings Canceled
The regularly scheduled June 18, 2020 meeting of the SORTPO Transportation Technical Committee is canceled. The regularly scheduled June 25, 2020 meeting of the SORTPO Transportation Policy Board is canceled.
May 2020 Meetings Cancelled
The regularly scheduled meetings for the SORTPO Technical Committee meeting (5/21) and SORTPO Policy Board meeting (5/28) are cancelled.
FY2021-2025 Airport Construction Program
This is a reminder that the Commission’s proposed five-year (FY2021-2025) Airport Construction Program (ACP) is available for public comment. We are requesting that those who want to provide comments please do so
2020 Census is Underway / COVID-19
The 2020 Census is underway and more households across America are responding every day. Online, phone and mailed self-responses will continue throughout the data collection process. …
April 2020 Meetings Cancelled
The SORTPO Technical Committee Meeting scheduled for April 16, 2020 and the SORTPO Policy Board Meeting scheduled for April 23, 2020 have been cancelled.
March 2020 Meetings Cancelled
The SORTPO Technical Committee Meeting scheduled for Thursday, March 12 at 10:00a and the SORTPO Policy Board Meeting scheduled for Thursday, March 26 at 10:00a have been cancelled.
Oklahoma Mobility Survey
ODOT is seeking your input whether, you are a transit rider or someone who rarely uses transit, on how the public transit system in Oklahoma can best serve your needs.
January 2020 Meetings Cancelled
The SORTPO Technical Committee Meeting on January 16, 2020 and the SORTPO Policy Board Meeting on January 23, 2020 have been cancelled.
2020 Census Hiring
Earn extra income while helping your community. The U.S. Census Bureau is recruiting to fill hundreds of thousands of positions across the country to assist with the 2020 Census count.