Southwest Oklahoma Regional Transportation Plan

Long Range Transpiration Policy Plan.

The Southwest Oklahoma – Moving People and Goods Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) is a blueprint to guide investments for all forms of travel – motor vehicle, transit, bicycle, and walking – and the movement of goods and freight throughout the SORTPO region. The Plan identifies the region’s most urgent transportation needs and priorities for investment over the next 20 years. It also establishes goals and strategies to help meet those needs. Since the spring of 2020, SORTPO has been working with local, regional, tribal, and state partners, as well as the public, to develop a Plan that facilitates a safe, dependable, healthy, and affordable transportation system. This system will be developed to efficiently move products and goods, to responsibly consider the environment and to properly ensure connectivity to education facilities, health services and work opportunities; leading to a stronger region increasing economic prosperity and quality of life.

Plan adopted 6-26-2023
