Congratulations to our communities whose TAP applications were approved by the ODOT Transportation Commission Item. Applications awarded in SORTPO Region include:
City of Weatherford
Lyle Rd. from Radar Park to Logan Rd., then Logan Rd. to Shooting Stars Park, then Jim Cobb Drive from Logan to Main Street (Rt. 66) and west to the existing sidewalk system (in front of Western Technology Center
City of Elk City
Streetscape on S Main Street from 5th Street to 7th Street Intersection.
City of Thomas
Sidewalk on Missouri St., From Broadway St. / SH-33 to Thomas Fay Custer Schools and on Orient Ave. from Missouri St. to 6th St. and Sewell Park.
Town of Canute
Route 66 from 1st street to 9th street and one block east to the city park
City of Anadarko
Trail on Central Boulevard (US 62) from East Seventh Street (SH 8) to Mission Street (US 62)
City of Duncan
Whisenant Park to Beech Ave to Alice Drive to the intersection with Heritage Trails Phase 1a. Phase 1b also includes signage and pavement markings on W. Pine Avenue from Whisenant Park east to US 81.
Pine St. from US 81 to Whisenant Park.
Trail from E. Chestnut Avenue from D Avenue east to Eastland Drive.
City of Chickasha
Trail at 9th Street & Ron Terry Drive and creates a loop around Shannon Springs Lake.Town of Central High – Sidewalk on Broncho Road from 7-mile road to the school.