Virtual Open House: SH4 at Fox Lane, Grady County

ODOT has scheduled a Virtual Open House for April 13-27, 2022, at The purpose of the meeting is to present information about the project and obtain information from the public to assist in the identification of critical social, economic and environmental effects that may result from the project.

Transportation Alternatives Set-Aside Implementation Guidance as Revised by the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act

The Oklahoma Department of Transportation (ODOT), in cooperation with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), is evaluating options to improve safety at the intersection of Fox Lane (EW-122) and SH-4 located three miles south of the SH-37 and SH-4 intersection in Grady County, Oklahoma. This existing segment of SH-4 is a two-lane open section highway with 12-foot-wide driving lanes and 2-foot-wide paved shoulders. The intersection has dedicated left and right turn lanes from north and southbound SH-4 onto Fox Lane, and traffic is controlled onto SH-4 by stop signs. The purpose for the proposed project is to enhance safety, improve traffic operations, and accommodate the anticipated increase in traffic along SH-4. Please see the enclosed figures which depict the areas associated with the improvements.

ODOT is evaluating several options for improving this intersection while taking into consideration the cost of construction, right-of-way and utility impacts, and environmental constraints. ODOT studied three fundamental alternatives with several variations-Alternative I includes at-grade modifications, Alternative 2 includes the construction of a low-speed roundabout, and Alternative 3 includes a grade-separated interchange where Fox Lane passes over SH-4 or SH-4 passes over Fox Lane. Refer to the figures for a general depiction of the proposed alternatives.

The following variations of the three alternatives have been evaluated:

  • Alternative 1: At-Grade Modifications
    • Alternative lA: No improvements-the roadway would remain as is with a two-way stop.
    • Alternative 1 D: Convert to a four-way stop controlled intersection.
    • Alternative IE: Add stop lights to the intersection, and include eastbound and westbound left-turn lanes onto Fox Lane.
    • Alternative 1F: Increase the length of the SH-4 north- and southbound deceleration right-turn lanes and move them to a slight offset alignment.
  • Alternative 2: Low-Speed Roundabout
    • Alternative 2A: Construct a single-lane roundabout.
    • Alternative 2B: Construct a roundabout with the addition of right-turn bypass lanes.
  • Alternative 3: Grade-Separated Intersection
    • Alternative 3A: Reconstruct Fox Lane to go over SH-4.
    • Alternative 3A2: Reconstruct Fox Lane to go over SH-4, and add northbound lanes on SH-4 within the limits of the project area to achieve a four-lane divided highway. (Preferred alternative.)
    • Alternative 3B: Reconstruct SH-4 to go over Fox Lane.
    • Alternative 3B2: Reconstruct SH-4 to go over Fox Lane, and add northbound lanes on SH-4 within the limits of the project area to achieve a four-lane divided highway.
    • Alternative 3C: Construct SH-4 on a new offset alignment to the east.

Should you have any questions regarding the project, please contact Geoff Canty with CC Environmental at (405) 761- 1225 or, or ODOT’s Environmental Project Manager Leslie Novotny at (405) 521-2321 or