Officials unveil first look at ACCESS Oklahoma turnpike plan Projects connect corridors, communities

… ACCESS Oklahoma, which stands for Advancing and Connecting Communities and Economies Safely Statewide, is a comprehensive, long-range planning process that looks at ongoing highway infrastructure needs for the next 15 years. It is designed to improve access to communities and help meet the state’s future infrastructure needs. This is the first plan of its type by OTA, and it will complement the agency’s five-year Capital Improvement Program. …

ODOT selects new interchange design for I-35 and SH-9 West in McClain County

The selected design proposes reconstruction of the I-35 and SH-9 West interchange as a Diverging Diamond Interchange with an additional reliever ramp to N.W. 12th Ave. The DDI option, Alternative 2B, was the preferred choice of the Town of Goldsby and the City of Newcastle while also providing the best outcome for users of this interchange