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Amendment #1 to FFY 2024 PWP


The SORTPO Transportation Technical Committee on June 12, 2024, will consider Amendment #1 to the Federal Fiscal Year 2024 Planning Work Program (PWP). The SORTPO Transportation Policy Board will consider approving Amendment #1 at their June 27, 2024, meeting.

November 2023 Meetings Cancelled


Both the Transportation Technical Committee meeting on November 8, 2023, and the Transportation Policy Board meeting on November 16, 2023, have been cancelled due to a lack of actionable items.

FFY 2024 Planning Work Program


The Planning Work Program (PWP) for Southwest Oklahoma Regional Transportation Planning Organization (SORTPO) defines the planning priorities in the region and describes all transportation related planning activities anticipated in the program year. 

Draft FFY 2023 Planning Work Program Amendment #1


Amendment #1 is an end of the year action. The approved funding limits by Element in the PWP were estimates based on staff’s knowledge of activities and tasks. By approving the amendment, the existing funding will be redistributed to the PWP Elements shown in the document to allow for full expenditure of funds.

Strengths 2023

  • News

In the state of Oklahoma, the regional transportation planning organization program has enhanced the level of public awareness in transportation planning across all regions, gaining input on transportation issues that at one time were not addressed.